Chapter 4: The fights

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Your POV:

   Over the past two weeks, I've been training with my little brother and Rumi, to get ready for the fight. I trained my flying speed, I figured out how to make a smoke screen by combining my fire and water/ice I also realized that I can use the element of water to make storm clouds. Giving me the power of electricity/lightning.

   Thanks to these two things and my confidence in myself, I know that I can beat Touya.

   Today is the day of the fight! I think to myself as I wear my most comfortable outfit being a sports bra and some stretcy shorts for mobility. Then I had an Idea.

   "Hey momma?" I asked corageously. "What is it sweetie?" My mom asked a bit scared. "Can me and Keigo fly to the training area. Y'know for the fight we told you about with Touya? And before you say anything, we have Touya's mom to watch and stop us so we don't hurt each other really bad or kill anyone. So  don't worry, we have everything prepared. So can we go? Please?"

   "Alright, fine, just be careful, ok?" My mom asked. Thankfully, she looked more reassured. "Ok, bye momma! Come on, Kei!"

   Right away I jump in the air as wings made of leaves and flowers (you can choose which flowers) sprout from my back while my little brother zooms pat me. "Oh no you don't you bird brain!" I yell as I zoom past him. It ended up being a lot of back and forth until I ended up flying into the training facility first. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I win little bro! How does it feel to be a loser?" I ask teasingly. "We're having a rematch after the fight! Then I will win fair and square!"

   As we walk in I see Touya standing their making different things out of fire. First a heart, then a sword, then something that looks like me. Me just being me, I decided to sneak up behind him.

  "Watcha doin ~Touya~?" I asked. "AHHH! Oh, Aiko you scared me! My dad has been training me to make things out of fire. So I was just practicing a bit more and anything that came to mind popped up in my hand."

   "Hi Ms. Todoroki!" Me and my brother say in unison as we bow infront of Ms. Todoroki. "Hi sweeties, you can just call me Rei-san, if that's okay!" She said in the sweetest voice ever. Man, his mom is awesome! I think to myself.

   "Are you guys ready?" Touya asks, sounding a little colder than normal. "Yeah just gotta finish my last ~stretch~... There. All done, how bout you baby bruh?" I asked looking at my short little brother. "Yup. Wait who goes first, sis? Me or you." All of a sudden we started arguing on who should go first. Of course I ended up going first.

   We headed right out to the training field. "You ready to lose Touya?" I asked as we backed up from each other powering up to give our all. "Shouldn't you be asking yourself that Aiko-chan?" He says teasingly. Ugh, why am I blushing now!

   Keigo started the match by giving the whole referee speech. "Alrighty, I want a clean fight, no killing I don't wanna see no- actually, nevermind. Just don't kill each other, I'm outta here. 3... 2... 1... FIGHT!!!!!"

 "I'm outtie bruh!" My brother yells as he yeets himself away with his wings.

   And with that our long-awaited battle started. Touya was the first one to strike by using his fire to make a huge cannon. He shot the cannonball right towards me but I deflected it with water. Then I decided to use my smoke screen. I could see through it but Touya can't. Thanks to that, I summon storm clouds above us, and focus the lightning towards my feet. Now I can move at Lightning speed.(get it? eh, eh?)

   I then speed up behind Touya and use my ice to create an icy fist and punch him with it sending him flying forward. As my smoke screen dissapears, I see Touya blasting towards me. I quickly dodge it, before I get payback from what I did to him. "Nice hit Aiko, but as you can see I'm unharmed!" Wait? What! How is he not hurt?! I was too focused on my thoughts and was hit by a fire ball and for a second, I thought it looked blue. 

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