Chapter 15: Exams!

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   Continuation from the last chapter:

   It was surprisingly comfy, and it smelled like lavender. I was about to think something was weird about this until I saw the rest of his room. It was like grayish wallpaper, closer to black, and there were a lot of rock band posters all over the place.

(Like this just with posters)

   By the time I got comfy, my boyfriend got back. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but what I'm saying is the fact that he pulled me out of his bed when I was so freaking comfy! "Hey! I was comfy!" I whine. "Well, that doesn't matter because dinner's ready, so it's time to go eat. Plus, my mom made some spicy katsudon." That made me get up as if on command. We walked down to the common room that used to be empty, but now has a huge kotatsu set up with katsudon with steamed rice and hot sauce.

    It seemed like we were the last ones there, and I bowed apologetically. "I'm so sorry we're late! I kind of almost took a full-on nap, my bad." I scratched the back of my neck. "It's alright, sweetie." Rei said. Me and Touya sat down, and we all said, "Tabemono o arigatō! (Thank you for the food!)" And we all dug in and started eating. My face lit up when I took the first bite. This is so good! I started stuffing my food into my mouth, almost choked, and asked for more.

   After having two bowls of katsudon, I was full, and my mouth felt like a soft fire. I laid down on the comfy tatami floors and blew fire out of my mouth. Shoto crawled over and sat right next to me and did the same thing, along with Touya. He combined our flame with his, and it looked awesome. It was mostly F/C with little bits of blue and red. I then got up and ran outside to get some air. I flew up into the air and made it snow by shooting snowflakes out of my hands. The siblings ran out and started playing in it. Making snowballs, forts, and snow angels as the parents watch their kids having fun.

"Hey, why don't you join the fun, old man?" I asked

   He chuckled and grabbed some snow and started making an igloo. Two minutes later, after everyone joined in, the igloo was finished! It was big enough to hold everyone, surprisingly. I went to the kitchen, quickly made everyone some hot chocolate with jumbo marshmallows, and went back to the igloo. They all thanked me. "Thank you for the hot chocolate, Ni-chaan!" Sho said. 

   "You're so welcome, Sho-chan!" I said with a smile. After everyone finished, I took the cups back to the kitchen. While I was walking back to the igloo, it was melting. I offered to fix it back, but everyone had told me to rest, I had already done so much. I was not taking no for an answer! I was going to do as much as I could to thank this family for having me over and feeding me. "Fine." I said in defeat. After Enji and Touya got rid of all the snow, we all went inside and went our separate ways. I went with Touya, the adults were talking, and everyone else was playing outside.

   "Ok! Is there anything else to do today? Because I would appreciate it if you didn't drag me out of bed." I say slowly, getting in bed. He gets in the bed with me. "Don't worry, we're not doing anything. We just have school tomorrow morning. So if you don't want to be dragged, you better wake up on time." He kisses my forehead. He better not! Since we're both not tired just yet and it was 5:48 p.m., we decided to play video games.

   Over the span of 6 hours, we played Mario Kart 8, Call of Duty, and Overwatch. "Alright! After many hours, many rounds, and two full bags of Cool Ranch Doritos... What is our final placing?" I say as we wait for our rank. "We got... Bronze! Yay...woo hoo. Everybody LOVES bronze." Touya says sadly. "Well, I guess there's always next time." I say, throwing away our trash. "I guess you're right. Plus, it's 10 minutes to 12 a.m. Let's go to bed." I nod. Once we're under the covers, we cuddle until we both fall asleep 5 minutes later, or at least I did.

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