U.A. Gala (Gone wrong) Pt. 2

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Touya POV:

   We all walked into the Gala, but it was completely pitch black. As we keep walking, everyone separates unexpectedly. After a few seconds of silence, the lights all flicker on, and everyone goes back to what they were doing earlier. As I look around, I see Keigo, Ryuko, and Yumi, but no Aiko. "Oi! Bird brain, where's Aiko?" He shook his head. "I dunno." He shrugged. "I thought she was with you." I started getting nervous. "If she's not with you," I point to him, then to me. "Or me... where is she?!" He pats me on the back, attempting to calm me down. "No need to freak out just yet. She's probably around here somewhere. Let's check with everyone before we start freaking out." I hesitantly nod my head, and we start looking. "Have you seen Aiko anywhere?" I ask her friend Sidra. She shook her head no and asked if I was okay. I said 'sure' and walked away, checking with everyone else. They all said no, and I started freaking out. When Keigo and I came back together to talk, we both came up with nothing.

   "FUCKING DAMMIT!" I yelled worriedly. Where could she have gone? We were all just together, now she's gone?! I have to get help! I started pacing back and forth, trying to figure out what I should do. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Atsuhiro. "Hey Toya, are you okay? You seem a little on edge." I furiously shook my head no. "My girlfriend is GONE! I-I don't know w-what happened, one second she was right next to me, a-and the next... she's g-gone." I fall to my knees as everyone looks over at me. "Wait, you said she's GONE?!" Sako yelps in shock. I sadly nod as I bury my head in my legs. "We need to get a Pro Hero! They can help!" Once Keigo said that, I jumped up and ran to the nearest teacher, which just happened to be Aizawa Sensei.

   "Sensei! We have a problem! Aiko's gone!" He rolled his eyes and muttered something, but I was too nervous to care.

   "Are you sure this isn't just a prank?" He raised an eyebrow. "Of course it's not! I looked everywhere for her, and she's gone!" His eyes widened just a bit. "Does she have her phone and hero license?" He asked in full seriousness. "Yeah, I think so. What does it matter?" He rolled his eyes again. "All Hero licenses have a microchip in them so we can always track them, and phones are pretty easy to track. Thanks to that, we can track her!" My eyes lit up. "Well, what are we waiting for then? Let's go!" Sidra and Atsuhiro  said at the same time. They looked at each other, blushed, and looked away. Ha! Simps. "On a totally serious note, how long would this take?" We all started walking away from the Gala to some room I've never seen before.

   It was different shades of black and white with little hints of red. Or at least it was until we went to the room behind it. It was All Might's room or whatever. We informed him of the problem and he agreed to help us. After all, he is like, our uncle. We headed to the Technology Department and asked for help from the best technologist in the course, Okuma Shizuka.

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