Fluff scene

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Think of this as a cute one-shot. It's not part of the storyline rn, but I wanted to do something cute.

   "Touya!" You yelled from upstairs. "What is it, my little firefly?" You heard him ask almost teasingly. "Can I paint your nails?" You questioned. "And why would I let you do that?" He replied with a question. He popped his head in through your shared room's door. "Because you love me, and it would look good on you." You reasoned. "Um, let me think," He ponders. Your face lit up. "No." He finally answered. You frown. "Why nooot?" You whine like a five year-old. He sighs. "Will you leave me alone if I let you?" Your face lights up again. You nod quickly.

   He looks at you skeptically. "For how long, though?" You ask. "Hmm... forever." He answers. You do a double take. "I can't do that!" You complained. "Well then, I'll be downstairs if you need me." He whispered as he started walking back. You smiled as you grabbed everything you needed to do his nails. You waited until he was sitting on the couch and let his guard down, then you attacked! Using your quirk to hold him still. "Oi! Let me out of here!" He shouted. You ignore him and start painting his nails anyway. He gives up and gives in.

   "I'm bored. Let's play a game." He complains a few minutes later. "And what type of game did you have in mind?" You questioned as you were finishing up his last nail. "I'm thinking Cops and Robbers." He explained. "Alright. Wait for your nails to dry, and then we can play. Make sure to sit still, or they'll never dry." You compromised. He nodded, and you both waited about a minute more until his nails were completely dry. You take him to the mirror in the closest bathroom and show him his nails. "See? They look nice and edgy, like you!" You smiled. "Yeah, you're right." He agreed.

   "Alright, time for our game." He walks into your shared room, goes into the back of your closet, and grabs a cops hat and some handcuffs. "I'll be the cop," He says, walking towards you. "And you can be the robber." He closes the handcuffs on your wrists. "And what type of cops and robbers is this, babe?" You giggle in his ear. "Oh, the fun kind, of course." He chuckles. "You get 15 seconds to find a place to hide. And if I find you," He smirks. "Punishment is due." He whispers in my ear. I feel my face heat up.

~The end!~
(441 words)

Toya Todoroki x !Fem reader New Beginnings Book 1Where stories live. Discover now