Chapter 9: Recovery

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Your POV:

   I wake up in my soft bed at home, half asleep. How did I get here? I was just in Chiyo's room earlier talking to Touya and my little brother, then I fell asleep. And it's daytime, when did I get here? I think to myself as I slowly get up and walk into my living room where I see my mom, Keigo, and Touya looking like the absolute worst thing just happened. "Uhm... Are you guys ok? Hey... My voice sounds normal now!" Before I can say anything else, Touya and my little bro run up to hug me! "Hey, are you guys ok? Also Tou-chan, when did you get so tall, and why's your hair black? Same to you Kei? When did you two get so tall?" They exchange nervous looks and sat me down.

   "Baby, you were in a coma." Touya says

   "Wait, what?!" I say as I stand up. "That doesn't make any sense! I was just talking to you and Kei yesterday!" I say walking to a mirror see myself. I looked pale and fragile. "Sis, you were in a coma for two years! I'm a first year in highschool now, while you and Big Bro are third-years!" My brother says looking at me. No! That means I missed everything! What am I supposed to do now! I think as I look at my boyfriend and my little brother in disbelief. 

   They then explain to me that my coma started the day after we talked. Then throughout the days I didn't go to school my teachers asked about you everyday because I'm one of the star students at U.A. High. They decided to let me go on in grades since you were so extraordinary, hence the reason I'm a third-year.

   The only thing is that my quirk is still at the level it was at those couple of years ago. Touya and Keigo explained how they would visit me everyday and every other day Rumi would come with them after school. I teared up at that last part. To know that I inconvenienced them like that mad me feel so sad and yet so angry at myself for being so weak.

   I begged them to help me get better and after many tries they decided to help me and we started my training. "You know, I should call Rumi to help too!" I say with a little more excitement than before. "You know what? Why not? Do you still have her number" Touya said enthusiastically. "What have you done with my boyfriend? The Touya I know would've probably said 'no'." I say teasingly. 

   "Oh believe me baby," He says as he gets closer "the Touya you know is gone for good" He whispers in my ear before he chuckles from seeing me blush. "We'll just have to see about that, won't we, then?" I say standing my ground. "There's my girl." We both laugh as we see Keigo retching as if he's throwing up. I call Rumi and we set everything up for my Recovery Training.

   *Throughout the next two weeks you took the time to recover the strength you lost so you could go back to school and train with all of your friends. By the end of the two weeks, you were back to your normal self, and even trained the darkness with the help of your brother,  boyfriend and Rumi. They had gotten so much stronger while you were unconcious. After a few more weeks, you were fully able to use your darkness quirk. You could now shoot those beams at will and when they hit someone they also get black eyes and veins. Only thing is that they can't see anything, giving you the advantage to attack, the darkness would fade away in three minutes.

You are now ready to go back to U.A. High!*

   "U.A. High, HERE I COME!!" I yell with my fist in the air as My brother attacks me one more time from behind. "Oh you're in for it bird brain!" I yell as I laugh and go to attack him.

~The end!~

*When I tell you that it took me 7 minutes to write this chapter! I was having a bit of a writer's block, but it has finally ended after I read a good romance book! I might go off of my normal schedule because of all this inspiration. I won't be able to upload tomorrow, so that might be the case! Also look forward to some Aiko and Touya Time!*

Anyways bye luvs  🖤❤️❤️🖤

Toya Todoroki x !Fem reader New Beginnings Book 1Where stories live. Discover now