Chapter 13: An Unexpected Student!

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Your POV:

   Touya ended up spending the night at my house. We cuddled and watched a movie in my room before falling asleep. When I woke up, my boyfriend was absolutely nowhere to be seen. I walk throughout all the rooms of my house, looking for him, but then I just gave up and went outside to get some air, and as I start feeling comfy I feel hands on my shoulder. I jump and pin the person on the ground. (Like aizawa did to Dabi)

 (Like aizawa did to Dabi)

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(Seriously, though. What could I have done to be Dabi in that moment?)

   And just like in this picture, it's Touya! "Really Touya? You know how I get when people sneak up on me!" I punch his arm softly. "Ok, first off; I didn't sneak up on you, you just didn't hear me walking up to you. Second, I came out here cause I was looking for you beacuse it's still a school day. I was in the bathroom checking my hair, then when I went back to the bed, you weren't there." He said shoving his hands in his pockets. "Unless you forgot that today is Tuesday?" He whispered in my ear, which sent chills down my spine.

   I squirm away and stand my ground. Absolutely no one is about to make me admit something like that! "Of course I didn't forget!" I chuckle "I was just getting some air before I wash up, that's all." He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, sure, babe. Anyways, let's go or we're gonna be late." He starts walking back to my house. I fly in front of him"Um, Touya, sweetie. Where are you going?" He looks at me confused. "To go wash up. What else would I be doing?" I roll my eyes. I know he's not serious. "Babe, this is my house, you don't have any clothes here." He finally realizes and face palms. "Totally forgot about that. Y'know what? Next time I come over, I need to make sure I have clothes to keep over here, cause this is too much." I chuckle. Yeah, sure.

   ~Time skip to when ya'll got to school~

   As we rushed into the building the bell had just rang. We sprinted down the hall and rushed into our classroom, but thankfully Rumi wasn't there yet. Thank the Gods. I thought as I sat down. Just as I started to pull out my notebook, Rumi walked in. "Good Morning class!" She said in a loud, strong voice. "Good Morning, Sensei!" Once again she was taken aback by that loud greeting. "Okay, we're gonna have to work on you all's greeting. Maybe quieter next time?" She asked making hand gestures to demonstrate quieter. "Yes ma'am!" Everyone replied in a softer shout.

   She looked pleased before shaking her head slightly. "Enough introductions! Today we will have a new student transferring from the Support Department to the Hero Course!" Everyone starts murmuring about who the new student could be, or what they would look like. "Everyone, let's give a warm welcome to ATSUHIRO SAKO!" As I heard his name my mouth dropped to the floor. No. Fucking. Way! When he walked in the room, he introduced himself. "Hello everyone! As you probably heard, my name is Atsuhiro Sako, and I came from the Support Department. My quirk is Compress, and it's pretty self explanatory. Anything I touch becomes compressed and turns into a small blue marble like so." He walks over to my desk and winks at me. I pick up my notebook, getting the hint, and he touches my desk and in the blink of an eye; my desk is gone! Or at least, compressed. "Don't worry, though... my quirk works at my will. So no need to worry about being turned into one of these." He holds his marbles in between each of his fingers.

" He holds his marbles in between each of his fingers

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(Something like this, just no robot arm and the U.A. Uniform)

   As he finished his intro and explanation he bowed (Like the gentleman he is) and walked to the empty seat behind me.

~The end!~

That's it for chapter 13! I know I'm a bit late for updates and I'm SOSOSOSOSOSO sorry! I've been busy with packing for my trip! Not to spoil anything, but I might start another story!😏 If so, do you guys have any ideas?

Anyways, bye luvs! 🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤

Toya Todoroki x !Fem reader New Beginnings Book 1Where stories live. Discover now