Chapter 1: Touya

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  Recap: Aiko Takami got her quirk, that being Elemental Wings. She can create wings made up of any element. (Sadly not glitter tho 😅) She just went outside to play with her 2 years younger brother Keigo Takami, but to also play around with her quirk a little.

~Meanwhile at the Todoroki residence~

  Touya POV:

  "I can't wait until i get my quirk!" I yelled ecstatically. "I know it's gonna be great son" My dad Enji Todoroki tells me. Then all of a sudden I smell something... FOOD!!! "It's time for dinner!!" I yell as I run to wash my hands.

~Time skip~

  "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG BROTHER!!!!" My little sister Fuyumi yelled waking me up. "Thanks Fuyumi, now I'm going back to sleep" I said half-awake. "WHYYYYYYYY!!! Today is when you get your quirk though!" That woke me straight up. I was still kinda sleep, but I was awake enough to see my surroundings and walked into the living room with Fuyumi.

   When we got there we saw mom with little baby Natsuo. "Hi Mom! Hi Natsu" Fuyumi and I said in unison. "Happy birthday Touya, Hi sweetie" Our mom said sounding tired. " Mom, is it true I get my quirk today? If so I hope it's cool!" I said, eyes twinkling with wonder and amazement. "That's right birthday boy, we'll see what happens, but for now, can you and Fuyumi watch your little brother while I make 'Mom's special breakfast'?" "Sure thing Mom!" We said.

  After we eat breakfast I sit outside on the porch, thinking about what my quirk will be. "I hope it's a cool fire one like Dad" I thought to myself. Just as I'm saying that I look at my hands and see little sparks pop up and then a little flame formed in my hand. "MOM, YUMI, DAD! MY QUIRK! MY QUIRK!!!" I ran all through the house until I found everyone in our parents room with suprised and concerned looks on their faces. "I *huff* got my *huff huff* quirk! It's just like *huff huff* Dad's! Look!" I focus on creating fire like I did before, I ended up creating one flame per hand that covered both my fists. I then fused them together to only one fist.

  "WOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!! That's so cool Toya!" Fuyumi said staring at my fire. "Wow, sweetie, you take after your dad so much more now!" My mother said excited. My father ran up to me picking me up by my armpits and flew me around like a plane. "WOOOOOOO!" I yelled. "Your quirk is amazing Touya! How would you feel if you were able to train with me everyday, son?" My dad asked after he set me down. "REALLY!?! That would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!" "Let's go to the practice room and start with some basics." "OK!" With that, me and my dad walk off into the training room to start quirk training.

~The next day~

   I could barely sleep last night because of how excited I was to practice the today. I then hear a knock on the door of my bedroom, then my dad comes in "Touya, you awake?" He asks. "Yep, what's up dad? OOH! Is it time to practice?!" I say too loud. "Yes, but quiet down some, let your mom and siblings sleep, K?" "Oh, yeah, you're right, meet you in the practice room, Dad." I say almost as a whisper-shout thanks to my excitement. I walk to the bathroom to ~silently~ wash up and get ready to practice. 

   Once I finish I head straight to the training room where I peek in and see my dad doing some sort of cool move where his fire is in the shape of an X across his chest. "What's that dad?" I ask full of curiosity. "This is 'Flashfire Fist' my special move. If you're strong enough, you might be able to do it too." He said full of pride. "COOOL!! Geuss I better practice as much as I can!" I say as he creates big balls of fire.

         That's the end of chapter 1: Both parts! How do you guys like the story so far? If you have any suggestions or ideas please feel free to put them in the comments. My fingers are tired of typing so I'll update more tomorrow. 

~Bye luvs~ 🖤❤️🖤

(You should be excited for the next chapter, that's all I'mma say 😏)

Toya Todoroki x !Fem reader New Beginnings Book 1Where stories live. Discover now