Interview with Floriah-

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How did you discovered Wattpad?

Before I discovered Wattpad, I use to write stories on Microsoft Word for fun. Although nobody saw it, I just had the urge to jot down my ideas. Then one day I decided to look for a site online that lets you publish and read stories (Just cause I wanted to publish some of my stories). And that's how I found Wattpad... Also my friends been talking about it, but I had zero clue what it was... Until now (oops x:) 

What inspired you to write?

I had to write a short story when I was in grade 6. I loved the idea of creating characters, writing the plot and building a whole other world that could be controlled by me (the story). So I began to write for fun. Also author's such as Kelley Armstrong and Erin Hunter had a huge impact of inspiration.

How do you overcome writer's block?

To be honest, I hardly ever have writer's block. I have so many ideas that it's endless sometimes. But when I do, I sometimes sit the time out and think how I want to word my chapters. Also reading really inspires me to think of my own stories and most of the times, new ideas pop out for me randomly.

Have you written any stories before you joined Wattpad?

Yes. Two were short stories for my assignments for school. I've also wrote a few others, but I unfortunately never got to finish it.  It was saved on the word document, and I lost them last year when my laptop broke down.

From all the books you've written, which one is your favourite?

Hmm... I have to say my fanfiction of Forbidden Destiny. (Fanfiction of Erin Hunter's series, Warrior Cats.)

Do you listen to music while writing? If you do, what kind?

No I don't. It distracts me half the times. But I do love listening to music, and I usually listen to variety of genre's and artists so naming them will probably take forever xD

Who's your favourite author and book on Wattpad?

I have many different books that I love, and many authors too. But if I could only pick one author and book. It has to be Unhinged by @SheHopes.

What's your top 3 favourite genre?

This is hard because Fantasy, Mystery, and Horror are just mixed together but... I'll go with: 1. Mystery 2: Fantasy 3: Horror

What do you think you'll be doing if you hadn't discovered Wattpad?

Probably still writing stories on Microsoft and hoping that I can publish it somewhere lol

What do you think is the best/worst features on Wattpad?

Best features has to be the stories that I am able to read from other writers. It's also lovely to talk and share ideas in the clubs. 

Worst features are the glitches. I've been getting a lot lately and it gets annoying that I have to keep repeating the same steps to report the glitches.

If you could travel to any place in the world (even in books/movies) where will it be?

To Storybrooke from Once Upon a Time duh! I would have said Mystic Falls where the Vampire Diaries takes place but that place is too dangerous for me. I'm not fit enough to go there, I can barely do half a push-up. I'm probably the first one to die there if I ever make friends with one of the vampires.

Who's your favourite actor/actress?

I don't have one. I love every actor/actress that can convince me on screen.

What would you do if a famous director wanted to make a movie out of your books?

It will be the best day ever. I really mostly write fan fictions of Warriors by Erin Hunter, but I've always wanted their series to become a show someday.

Which book would you want to make movie out of?

Either After Death or The Zircon Coven, but I'm not finished The Zircon Coven and After Death is just a short story :P  To be honest, I don't really have any good books for a movie.

Would you like to say anything to your supporters/friends on Wattpad? Any special shout outs?

Yes, of course. Just wanted to thank each and every one of you for showing support by staying with me even though sometimes it takes me a whole week to update now, and thanks for keeping up with my excuses xD 

Special shout out to @NickStego@OrphanBlood@SaraDinosawr@Last_Hopee

If you weren't mentioned, don't worry, I still remember you and really appreciate the support. But if I keep going I think the list will drag for too long, especially if I mention everyone of you that are currently in my mind xD

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