Interview with Katrina_Crane

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How did you discovered Wattpad?

I found out about Wattpad from someone on FictionPress. I used to read original stories on that site, but found after I signed up that I liked this one a lot better.

What inspired you to write?

When I was small, probably around six or seven, I didn't have a lot of friends so I would spend my time reading instead. It amazed me that the authors of those stories could create something so entertaining and amazing. I wanted to be able to create a story like the ones I read. I wanted people to read my stories and get lost in the world I created. My inspiration comes from my readers, honestly. If I didn't have people reading my stories I probably wouldn't have any motivation. I love hearing people tell me how attached they are to my characters and stories because that's how I feel when I read.

Which of your stories have you enjoyed writing about?

If so, I would have to say Purgatory. My main character in the story is so funny and strange. I love how the story has taken on a kind of dark comedy vibe because of her personality.

Can you relate to any of you character(s) in Purgatory?

Hmmm...I would say there are parts of me in each character, but none of them are exactly like me. Like my main character, Thea, I tend to be a bit of a recluse if given the choice and like one of the other characters, Roran, I can be incredibly stubborn.

What made you write Purgatory? How did you get the idea?

I actually started the story for a contest under a different name. The contest was called the 'At Death's Door' contest and my entry was originally titled Nevermore. After the contest was over I decided to continue the story under a different name. It's now a three part series.

How long did it take you to finish all three parts of Purgatory?

Well, the last part isn't complete yet, but I think I completed part one in about 8 months and part two in about 4 or 5 months. I probably would have finished them both much sooner, but as you can tell I often work on more than one story at a time and I get distracted by new ideas easily.

Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what kind?

I listen to soundtracks and instrumental music while I'm writing, but not music with lyrics. If I listen to songs with lyrics I get distracted by singing along. Right now I have the Inception soundtrack and instrumental rock group God is an Astronaut on my writing playlist.

What do you think are the best/worst features on Wattpad?

The best part about Wattpad is the friends you make. I can't tell you how many wonderful people I've met. You also get a lot of valuable writing advice and get feedback to help improve your writing.

The worst thing about it is probably the amount of plagiarism. It's hard to fight and happens far too often.

What's your favourite book and who's your favourite author on Wattpad?

That's an impossible question to answer. I have so many favorites. I will just give you the name of the author and story that I first read on Wattpad instead to be fair. Finvarra's Circus by @DistantDreamer Monica Sanz was the story that got me hooked to Wattpad. It was so wonderful that I decided to make an account in order to be able to vote for it.

Any advice for younger writers?

I honestly don't know if I'm qualified to be giving anyone advice but...I think the most important thing is to never stop writing. Even if you feel like everything you are writing is bad, just keep going. You will grow and improve with every new sentence. Everyone out there has something to contribute. And also, try not to compare yourself to anyone else. You won't write like Stephen King or JK Rowling and that's okay. You don't need to write like someone else, you just need to be you.

Have you ever traveled? If so, what's the place you've been?

So far I've only traveled in the U.S. I don't have the money to travel abroad, unfortunately. But I have been to several states outside my own, including California, Texas, Colorado, and North Carolina. Some day I hope to be able to travel overseas. I would love to go to New Zealand or Australia.

What's your favourite movie or TV show?

My favorite TV shows are Supernatural and Doctor Who, but I also like Sleepy Hollow. Anything monster or supernatural related I love.

Who's your favourite actor/actress?

My favorite actor at the moment is probably Chris Evans or Tom Mison (of Sleepy Hollow) but I usually change my mind on that about every week. My favorite actresses are probably Kristen Bell and Milla Jovovich.

If a famous director decided to make a movie out of your books, which book do you think has the best story-line for a movie?

Well, Enemy of Time has the most original story idea I guess. But then again, I like the idea of Claimed by the Desert as a film too.

Would you like to say anything to your supporters/friends on Wattpad? Any special shout outs?

Sure. First, thank you very much for interviewing me. I'm honored you thought I deserved it. Also, I want to say thanks to anyone and everyone who supports me or my stories. It means so much to me. I'm extremely grateful for all of the friends I've made and the wonderful people I've gotten to talk to.

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