Interview with CrazyMetroid101

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How did you discovered Wattpad?

One of my best friends @1warriorcatfan told me about it over text. She said that you could write stories and get reviews for them. So, I decided to check it out and almost immediately fell in love with it.

But at first, I wasn't sure about if anyone would like any of my stories, which made me hesitate to create an account.

What inspired you to write?

My main inspiration for writing came from Erin Hunter, author of the Warriors series. At first, my account was going to be all Warrior Cat stuff, then I got the inspiration from other authors on Wattpad to write Skyrim stories. Eventually Halo.

But then I remember my friends and their stories. They've also inspired me to write stories, some based on theirs, others not. @Thehowlingwolf09 created a story, in which I was part of, so I made my own from my perspective. But, mainly it was everyone on Wattpad that made my mind click correctly.

What's your top 3 favourite genre?

Fiction: Anything can happen at any time, anywhere. And it's the most fun to write.

Science: For some reason, I like learning about the respiratory system. I've always been interested in science, casually getting good grades in all my science classes. I'm also intrigued whenever I learn about parasites such as rabies, malaria, and multiple other things. This mainly came from 'Monsters Inside Me' on Animal Planet. My brother and I always creeped out my mom whenever that show came on. XD

Nonfiction: It's an iffy one, but I still like it. Mainly because it teaches you stuff about technology, people or other things.

What do you like/dislike about Wattpad?

Like- There's many people on this website, which makes it easier to become popular.. or just an idiot, like me lol.

Wattpad lets you customize a cover for one of your stories, which can show what it's about. Unless your like me and just use random pictures completely off topic of the story. ):>

You can write books about ANYTHING that you want it to be about. Unless it's highly inappropriate. But who listens to that?

It. Is. Free.

Dislike- Sometimes the media glitches and you have to fix it with a long, boring process. Bleh.

If you want to put a video into the media, it has to be on YouTube.

The computer version says that I spell some of my character's names wrong. Though it's somewhat funny.

For the About Me section of your profile, it won't let you type over a certain amount of words. "But what if I wanna tell my followers more about me?" Too bad! XD

The lag. Wattpad lags my phone out majorly, sometimes to when I have to restart it. It gets to the point to where I can hardly turn a page without it lagging out.

Speaking of lag- >.< Sometimes Wattpad likes to say that I'm not following a person that I AM following. Or that I haven't voted for a story when I have.

I also don't like when it says that there's no comments on a story, then, like, thirteen pop up lol.

What do you usually write about?

I usually write fiction-y things, like Halo and Skyrim.

I've gotten more interested into Halo, which has caused me to delete two of my stories about Skyrim. For those that don't know what Halo is, it's basically a game where you kill aliens lol. Anyways, I mainly write about Halo, just as I said before. My favorite Halo game is Reach, the one game in which you're not Master Chief. But in my stories, there are- if I can remember correctly XD -10 main characters. All of Noble, Mikey, Sam, and Dominick. Even though in the games, there's no way that the Team can survive, I've changed that all up. ):> I'm thinking of and rewriting each characters' deaths. (Spoiler, here) Everyone, in game, dies except for Jun, Noble Three. But to do this, remaking the canon, takes more effort than you think. You have to think of logical ways to make each character survive. Jorge's death'll be second hardest, Carter's being first.

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