Interview with CryBabyPale

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How did you discovered Wattpad?

I was following this account on Instagram, it was a fan account for Pierce The Veil I think, and they had a link to a fanfic in their bio and I thought 'why not?' And it led me here!

What inspired you to write?

I think it was reading all of these great stories on wattpad, and I wanted to be an important author on here, I wanted to be someone that always recommends my stories to their friends like I do with other books on here

Of all the books that you have written, which one do you like the most?

Probably Out Of Style, it's a new one with only one part published although I have about 17 chapters written and 37 planned and as far as I can tell its going to be my baby for the next few months and I just love I do much.

What makes Out Of Style so special?

I would say that there at a number of characters that re based off of my best friends in the entire world, like there's my favorite character Miranda, Katie, and so on and in my opinion it adds a personal touch to the story

What's the first story that you wrote? It can be on Wattpad or some other place.

I think it was this kind of post-apocalyptic Royals v. Rebels sort of thing. I think it was called like Royal Ruins or something it was a while ago and I ended up stopping it because I didn't know what to do with it.

Who's your favourite author and what's your favourite book on Wattpad?

Probably My Wattpad Love and Growing Up, both by Cold_lady19, whom is definitely one of my favorite authors on here.

Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what kind?

Yes, I cannot stand silence in any situation. And I listen to mainly rock, indie pop, pot hardcore, a bunch of metal sub-genres really everything except country or rap. (With the exception of ukelele rap from Twenty One Pilots)

Have you ever had writer's block? How did you overcome it?

Yes, I have it right now, and I usually just relax and wait, maybe take a shower or watch a movie.

What's the best/worst features on Wattpad?

I think the create part is the worst because more often than not most of my work is deleted, and the best feature I think is the online commenting on mobile, it just seems like a useful feature so you can point out specific plot holes or things you like at that par in the chapter.

What's your favourite genre?

Romance. I've always loved that along with teen fiction and all of that.

Have you ever traveled? If so, what was your favourite place you have been?

I've been to Colorado, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Florida, and I will be going to DC and New York in the fall, I think my favorite place to travel is Florida because a ton of my family lives there so it's nice to go and see them.

If you could be any character from a book/movie/TV show, who would it be?

Probably The Doctor from Doctor Who

If you could be in any movie, TV show or book, where would it be?

Doctor Who again, I think being able to explore anywhere at anytime would be utterly amazing

If you could choose any book that you've written to become a movie, which one would it be? & Why?

Calling For Summer because rather than my other stories, this one actually has a proper climax and such that makes it better than my others.

Would you like to say anything to your supporters and friends on Wattpad? Any special shout outs?

Always keep going. If you hit writer's block don't read what you've written, just calm down, relax, and keep going.

WATTPAD INTERVIEWOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora