Interview with NeverTrustaDuck

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How did you discovered Wattpad?

I actually did a Google search for free eBooks and this website popped up. I was looking for Project Gutenberg, but I couldn't remember the name. Anyway, I ended up clicking on a story and couldn't stop reading. After that I read another and another and have been hooked ever since.

What inspired you to write?

I used to always have story ideas in my head, sometimes to the point where I couldn't concentrate on anything else. I was always that kid in class that stared out the window and daydreamed. I used to write them down when they became too much just to get them out of my head, then I would rip up the paper and throw it away. I was never good at English. I never through I could write. I always had a problem expressing myself and forming coherent sentences, but no one picked up on the fact I was dyslexic until I was at uni. After that diagnosis I thought that was it for me. I now had an excuse to never write again. When I joined Wattpad it was as a reader. It wasn't until I stumbled across an amazing story and I realised it was written by a dyslexic person that I thought maybe I could do it to. I was between jobs and with nothing better to to, I gave it a shot. I ending up posting what was a very rough version of Chasing Memories on here and haven't looked back since.

Of all stories that you've written? Which one is your favourite?

There's two. The first one is The Executioner's Mask. I loved exploring the main character's feelings. His inner conflict was so intense and heart wrenching, it just pulled me right in. The other one is In Her Shadow. That originally started out as a form of self-imposed therapy and then I realised amidst all the bitching, I had the bones for a pretty good story idea and re-wrote it and posted it on Wattpad. So yeah, that one is very personal.

Which character (in any of your books) can you relate to?

It would have to be Rose from In Her Shadow because she is based on me.

What's your top 3 favourite genre?

Fantasy, historical fiction, paranormal (in that order).

Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what kind?

Yes! I can't stand when it's quite, it drives me insane. I can so relate to the phrase 'deafening silence'. The problem I have with listening to music is that I love to belt out a tune (though I won't admit it if a window happens to break nearby under mysterious circumstances), so that can be counterproductive. I love listening to Bob Dylan when I write, but I turn the music down low so it's more background noise and I can barely hear the words. I have recently discovered 2Cellos, which is two guys playing rock songs on cellos, so that's working really well for me as it's instrumental, but it's the songs that I love.

What do you think is the best/worst features on Wattpad?

The best part about Wattpad has to be interacting with the readers and other writers. I have made some amazing friends through this site, and I have some awesome readers. I wouldn't be where I am without them.

The worst part about Wattpad has to be the glitches. It gets so frustrating. I swear, Wattpad's policy seems to be 'If it's not broke, break it'.

Do you have any advice to younger writers?

Just write. Don't worry about it being terrible or trying to make yourself sound more clever by using big words (I've seen so many new writers make that mistake). You can fix bad writing, and simple is most definitely better. Write what you want, that story that is dying to get out, even if it's not the trend at the moment. Trends are constantly changing, and by the time you've finished your book, the trend will change again.

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