Interview with AngelGamerLove

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Angel, how did you discovered Wattpad?

Hmm, freshman year i had a friend who was in my art class and introduced me to Wattpad. She explained everything to me and decided to download it. But didn't use it much after a while until i decided to do so.

What inspired you to write?

@Riku28. Her SSBB books inspired me to make my own books.

What's your favourite book and who's your favourite author on Wattpad?

My favorite book is "Dark Angel" and my favorite author is "Black Rose".

Which book is your favourite that you've written?

"Sucked inside a Video Game".

What's the best/worst features on Wattpad?

I think Wattpad's features are all good for now. The bad feature of Wattpad is the color theme. Wish to customize that way we wanted to be.

What made you like Star Fox so much?

Fox's personality, and everything about him. Except that i don't like Krystal at all. I never liked her ever since she joined the StarFox team. But aside from her, that's pretty much it. And i like the Story plot also (Mostly the old Starfox games where Krystal wasn't included in it). I think, in my opinion, StarFox was better off without her.

Why do you hate Krystal so much?

She distracts Fox while doing his missions. She complains why she wasn't placed with Fox on a mission, she is stubborn and doesn't understand Fox at times, she seemed to like Panther and she was flattered by his corny feelings towards her on SSBB secret taunts on the Lylat Cruise, She decides to be with the StarWolf team jusr to be with Panther, she was rude with Fox when she first met him. And later on, she HAD to come back saying she was thankful (all late) for what Fox did for her (God i hate people like that) and she probably wanted to stay with him to be fame (famous and to be known as). And her voice. Ugh. She can't protect herself at all, so she always has to be saved by either Fox, Falco or Slippy. Ha, supposed she's independent? I don't think so. (In my opinion)

What kind of stories do you write?

Mostly Fanfiction ones. Anything that has to do with Gaming. And OC information.

What's your top 3 favourite genre?

Fanfiction, Romance, and Horror

Have you written any stories before you joined Wattpad?

Yes but they were all bad and lost interest of a couple i used to ship.

If you could go to any place in the world (even in movies/books) where will it be?

I would be in New York. ♥

What's your favourite movie/TV show?

My favorite movie is "Wolf Children"

If a famous director wanted to make a movie out of your books, which one will you choose?

I honestly don't know a good director at the moment but I think ill pass this question (:

Would you like to say anything to your supporters/friends on Wattpad? Any special shout outs to anyone?

I would like to thank to all my followers who've been so kind to actually read my stories, my art, ect. Really, it means a lot! And here are my closest friends from here on WattPad! @StarCrafter@Queen-Alissa@Artemis-Icarus@TheFoxMcCloud@Punk_S4mu5@Anna-Ocean@Shikri21@Princess_Hilda@TheEnderBookshelf@ilovepit5@Not_Ur_Typical_Girl@Gamer_Chan03 And especially, @Swordsmen_of_purity (♥)

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