Interview with ForeverAthena101

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How did you discovered Wattpad?

I am an aspiring Journalist and Writer. I was doing some writing research, and while doing some research for Odesk (a site great for writers wanting a quick job) I stumbled across Wattpad.I later on remembered that someone had sent me a link on Twitter to read a Fanfiction they had written.

What inspired you to write?

My inspiration came from words itself. I'm a reader as well, i LOVE reading. I've always been fascinated by the emotions i would feel towards a character in a book. Real emotions, hate, happiness, sadness, pain. I feel what the characters feel, i place myself in their world. I want someone to experience those same feelings from something i have written. How a single sentence can generate so much feeling/emotion from people. A book or maybe even a line from a book can mean so much to someone. If something i have written can touch even one person, i am truly grateful.

What's your favourite book and author on Wattpad?

I can't say I have a favorite, there are just too many books and authors. I do have favorites.

How do you overcome writer's block?

I read. It helps with inspiration when i read what other writers have written and I read over my own work as well. Music also helps me.

Have you written any other books besides the two that is posted on Wattpad?

Yes, but only one and that's the first book I wrote. I have at least three more books to release after I have completed the two currently on Wattpad.

Between Toxic Beauty and Forgive my Thirst, which one is your favourite to write?

Oh yes, I know. Toxic Beauty is my favorite. Shhhhh haha can't make my other book jealous.

Which character in Toxic Beauty can you relate to the most?

Okay I would say the main character. Samara. I guess because she is so shy and she values friendship and family to such an extraordinary extent. She loves beauty, but not typical beauty only. She finds it in things that others would disagree is beautiful. But behind all that shyness she is a fighter but she is also a bit insecure. But still, she is willing to go the whole way for a cause she truly believes in and I can relate to that.

Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what kind?

Yeah I do listen to music while I write. I listen to everything really, as long as the music speaks to me. But i mostly listen to rock/alternative rock bands when I write. Those are my favorites. Nothing is better than writing a action bit in a story or a romance bit and have the perfect music. Its like the soundtrack of a movie.

If you didn't discover Wattpad, what do you think you'll be doing now?

I would still be writing. I hope to be a Writer, Journalist and Entrepreneur in the future, so yes writing is a major part of my life. Discovering Wattpad was great. I get to put my work out there from now.

Any advice for new writers?

Yes. Don't get discouraged when you receive a negative review. Some people can be harsh yes but if you only get positive reviews you will never know the areas you need to improve on. Therefore, you will never be able to move forward.

Keep writing, write what you love and write what you are comfortable with but don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone a little. Surprise your readers.

Read what other people write as well, not to copy their work, definitely not. But to help yourself improve and grow and don't be afraid to ask for help.

Writing and gaining readers isn't easy but if its something you love, nothing and no one can stop you.

If you could go to any place in the world (even in books/movies), where would it be?

Well in the world, that would be Europe. That's at the top of the list for me. If I start listing names, it might take awhile haha. In movies, would have to be an alternate universe or another planet... Yeah I said it haha.

Who's your favourite actor/actress?

There are so many and I'm terrible with names. Faces I can remember but names vanish the very second you tell me... Shame :/

I like Angelina, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, Hugh Jackman, Chris Hemsworth, The Rock and Jason. Just to name a few. Chris is my secret husband. Just saying.

Have you ever traveled? If so, what place?

No I have never traveled before. Sadly. I actually love the idea of travelling. Going to new places and meeting new people, learning about different cultures and food and general way of life. Its intriguing to me.

What will you do if a famous director decided to make a film out of Toxic Beauty?

First I would sit and stare blankly until I start to drool or maybe I would scream for an hour lol. But on a serious note, that would be amazing. That is actually a dream of mine... To have a book I have written made into a film. I would get right on preparing all that is needed to lend my support, for that movie to be a success.

Would you like to say anything to your supporters/friends on Wattpad? Any special shout outs to anyone?

For me to be unable to find words to thank you all is peculiar. But it shows just how thankful I am for all the support and love I've received. I was so terrified about publishing my work on Wattpad, but the moment I got my first vote and comment my heart exploded.

I have a long way to go and much more to learn, that I know, but thank you all for your support and encouragement.

To my friends, oh geez, I've been so lucky to find some amazing people on here. @imystique and @MissMysteryGame were two of my first friends on here. @MissMysteryGame is simply the best AND an AMAZING writer, I always enjoy talking to you. @Spectralx we might not talk a lot but I have enjoyed the conversations we have had and your books are just amazing. Very inspiring and entertaining. @perrywalker I love your spirit and crazy vibes girl! @Knight1001 You have been a wonderful friend. I enjoy our talks although the time deference is insane. I don't mind :) @loly_loly@FatimaAbdAllah1996@BananaBurrito17 and @nerdi4books my girls!!! You all have been supporting my books from the start and I'll forever be thankful. @GordonLevitt my rocker friend!! You are awesome. @AlizaMatani I still want us to write that book together. @AJSCURRAH  Oh gosh, I love your taste in music, mostly because I love the same music you do lol.

And @shadow_girl16 I love our games lol so much fun you always have me laughing.

To those that haven't been mentioned, have no fear, you are all forever engraved in my heart.

Again, thanks for the on going support and love. I love you all.

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