Interview with KevinGebhard

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How did you discovered Wattpad?

It was actually a non-member who turned me on to Wattpad, a Wall Streeter who read an interview with Ashleigh Gardner and said I should check it out. I did and signed on.

What inspired you to write?

I was always an avid reader, mostly adventure stories and crime thrillers. But it was Elmore Leonard who inspired me to write. I read some of his stories, which I enjoyed immensely, and thought, I can do that. Well, it wasn't long before I realized it wasn't going to be that easy. But I enjoy the struggle, and when I write a chapter that still holds up when I read it again the next day, there's no feeling quite like it.

Of all books that you have written, which one is your favourite?

Like most authors, it's the book I just finished, which is the pop thriller Superstalker.

Have you written any other books before you joined Wattpad?

Yes, I wrote "Weecho: First Shots" before I joined Wattpad, and self-published it. I also wrote a screenplay version which I'm working at getting produced. Being an actor, there's a character in it I'd love to play.

What's your favourite book and who's your favourite author on Wattpad?

I have to beg off that question because there are too many good works on Wattpad, by authors whose writing truly grabs me, for me to choose a favorite.

Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what kind?

I usually write in silence, but sometimes with classical music playing, or, my favorite, bossa nova.

What do you think is the best/worst features on Wattpad?

The basic Wattpad feature of being able to post chapters of a work-in-progress, or present a finished book, and get feedback from readers is what is most important to me. And being able to see if the number of readers grows or doesn't is helpful, too.

What's your top 3 favourite genre?

My three favorite genre are spy stories, crime thrillers and anything that involves a good scam.

Can you relate to any of your characters in your novel?

My main male character in Superstalker is a 17-year-old street hustler, and his voice and persona are in many ways myself at that age.

How long does it take you to write a novel?

It takes me five to six months to write a full-length novel, fifty to sixty-thousand words. That includes rewrites and polish (not that I'm averse to rewriting something again).

Do you have any advice to younger writers?

My advice to younger writers is to just get that first draft down (I print mine out from my laptop). Never mind about style or grammar, just get something down. Anything. And then rewrite it. And rewrite it again. And then leave it for a week (you'll be amazed at what pops up) and rewrite it once more. Or twice. Good writing is rewriting.

Have you ever traveled to any place? If so, what's the best place you've been?

As for favorite places, it's a tossup between South Beach Miami and Havana. Music in the streets both places and a sense of anything can happen.

What's your favourite TV show or movie?

My favorite movie is a tossup between "Chinatown" with Jack Nicholson and "Last Tango in Paris" with Brando. Both have my favorite film scores as well.

Who's your favourite actor or actress?

Favorite actor and actress are Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright on "House of Cards". The double-dealing characters they play both know they're each other's ticket to the bigtime.

Do you have anything to say to your supporters/friends on Wattpad? Any special shout outs?

My supporters and friends on Wattpad are what it's all about. So many times their comments have started a train of thought that either got me out of a structural jam or helped turn the plot in a better direction. Many thanks and bless you all.

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