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The concert was going well and you started to enjoy their songs a bit more. It was the last song and you could of sworn Tom was still looking every once in a while.

The last song was Monsoon, your personal favourite out of all their songs.

You memorised some of the lyrics because this song was Coco's favourite as well, which means she played it ALL the time.

You where jumping to the song, singing the bits you knew.

When it came to the end of the song, the band all started to bow as they were finished.

When Tom bowed, you saw him wink in your direction but you were sure it was for the girl behind you.

She thought it was for her as well so she started screaming like a banshee.


You turned around and gave her the look to shut the fuck up and she just looked back at you with a proud grin because she thought you were jealous of her.
After the concert it was time for the signing.

You and Coco ran to the signing venue as you both couldn't be bothered to wait in line for an hour just to get a piece of paper signed.

You ended up getting in the middle of the queue which wasn't that bad.

By the time you got to the front, it was already 9:00PM and you were a bit shocked because you started queuing at 8:30PM and the time went by so fast.

First was Gustav. You both said hello and he signed the poster Coco gave you.

Next was Georg. Same thing with Gustav.

After that it was Bill. He said hello and complimented your outfit, then signed the poster.

Finally was Tom. He smirked at you and looked at his jumper you were wearing.

"Comfortable?" He said in the familiar husky voice.

You were a bit confused at first until you realised what he meant.

"What? Oh the jumper. Uhm yes, very comfy thank you" you manage to squeeze out while panicking a little.

Coco looks at you confused and you tell her that you will explain later.

Then Tom signed your poster and asked if you and Coco would like to get a picture with the band.

Of course you both said yes and the band starts to stand up and huddle up together.

You and Coco get closer to the band and Coco stands in between Gustav and Georg while you stand between Tom and Bill.

You give Tom your phone to take the picture and he holds onto your waist while he snaps the pic, catching you a bit off guard.

When Tom finishes the picture, he hands your phone back and winks at you.

You snatch the poster that they all signed off the table and quickly scuttle away feeling flustered, pulling Coco along with you.

"Explain what on earth just happened back there right now y/n. What was Tom talking about a jumper and not to mention the way he HELD YOUR WAIST??" coco asks sounding a little shocked from the recent events.

You were just as shocked as she was and you kept jumbling your words trying to reply to her.

"So um basically i met this boy at the park who came up to me because it was raining and i didn't have a coat. I thought he looked familiar but i couldn't quite wrap my head around it. He gave me his jumper to keep me warm and that boy turned out to be Tom. I swear i had no idea who he was at the time and if i did i would have told you." you blurt out, stuttering a little in between words.

"Oh my." Coco says sounding really shocked and a bit confused. "Is that the jumper your wearing right now??" she adds on.

"Yes" you reply back

All of a sudden she grabs you and starts.. sniffing you?

"Coco? What are you doing?" you ask her, trying to push her off gently.

"YOU HAVE TOMS JUMPER ON!! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HE SMELLS LIKE." she practically shouts at you.

You started to laugh and Coco joined in, then you hugged her tightly and she hugged you back, sniffing you a little more.

"Stop smelling me Coco"

"Sorry you just smell too good"

You two break apart and start walking again, now outside where it isn't so crowded.

You guys sit inside a small alley and gossip while you wait for your mum to pick you up.

I'm the alley you sat in, there was a door on the wall but you guys didn't know what it was meant for and just ignored it.

All of a sudden the door swings open, frightening you and Coco a bit.

You look over to see who was coming out the door and it was none other than Tom.

He looks at you and starts walking closer.

"I was just about to come looking for you, lucky your here so now i don't have to go throw a crowd of fangirls." He says in his cute German accent, chuckling at the end of the sentence as well.

"M-me?" you ask, extremely flustered and confused.

Coco just sat beside you with her mouth wide open.

"Yes you, what's your name? he says, leaning against the wall you and Coco was sat against.

"Oh i'm i'm y/n and this is Coco." you say back, shaking because you were literally talking to a famous rockstar.

Coco does a small wave and Tom just smiles at her.

"Seems like you enjoyed my jumper eh?" he jokes, talking to you.

"Oh um yes it's very comfortable, do you want it back? you ask.

"nah it's fine you keep it, i've got loads."

"Ok thank you."

"So what's two pretty girls like you doing in a dark cold alley at this time of night?"

"We're waiting for my mum to pick us up."

"If you would like, you can come backstage while you wait?"

You and Coco both nod, looking at each other with both confusion and excitement.

He leads you in and you see the rest of the band members sitting down.

"Hey guys, these two girls are going to stay here while they wait for their mum. Is that good with you?" tom asks them in German.

The rest of the band nod and all give eachother the look to say 'of course he's got girls here again'.

A few minutes late you get a call from your mum saying she's here and waiting outside for them.

You tell Tom you need to go and be nods looking slightly disappointed.

"Wait before you go, can i get your number?" he asks looking directly at you, kinda ignoring Coco.

You look at Coco and she gives you a nod with a big smile.

"Oh yeah it's 'xxxx xxx xxx' bye bye" you quickly say before waving at him and the band then leaving.

"What the fuck just happened." you murmur while looking at Coco.

She looks back at you and says "No fucking clue bro" before bursting into a fit of laughter, you joining in.

You get into the car and drop Coco home before going home yourself.

☆𝓣𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮☆ (𝘛𝘰𝘮/ 𝘉𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘒𝘢𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘻 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳) 丰Where stories live. Discover now