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Texts with Bill~
B- Ready to talk about it yet?
Y- I think so
B- You don't need to if you feel uncomfortable.
Y- It's honestly fine Bill. I'm ready. But can we call? i can't be asked to write everything out
B- Of course y/n you lazy ass.
Y- Thanks Billy boo.

Call with bill~
B-Hey y/nnn
Y-Hey Billyyy
B -I have some snacks here to eat while you tell your story so you better get going. I'm craving these McDonald's fries.
Y- Of course it's McDonald's isn't it? I might have to start calling you macky from now on.
B- Yeah yeah whatever. I'm waiting for the story y/n chop chop.
Y- Fine. I don't really know where to start but do you know how me and Tom were arranged to meet that day?
B- Yep
Y- Well while i was waking to our meeting spot, i ran into my ex and he grabbed me into a weird alley i've never seen before.
B- Your ex did this!!??
Y- Yes and honestly, not even i thought he was capable of something like this. He was always so calm but obviously he's changed a bit now. But do you think he's going to try and find me again? I mean wouldn't he have gotten me by now?
B- Well it's been a couple days and nothings happened. You even went to the mall and your fine. Besides me and Tom will not let that happen again y/n. Do you think it will be a good idea if you stayed with us more? Did Tom mention something about coming on tour to you?
Y- Yes he did, a few weeks ago when we went to the waterpark.
B- That's good. We start our tour in about a few weeks. It's completely up to you, but would you like to join us? You will come to all our concerts without having to buy a ticket of course and you will stay with us as the hotel. Basically do everything with us.
Y- That was be so amazing. I need to ask my mum though. I'm sure she will let me. Anyway back to the story.
B- Oh yeah sorry for talking about something else while you were explaining.
Y- Don't worry. So anyway when he grabbed me he tied me up with tape and rope. It was quite odd and unexpected the way he just whipped them out of his jeans but i was still shitting myself. But it gets weirder after that. Loads of men just started spawning and grabbing me then chucking me into a van. The van was nothing special and only had a few water bottles rolling around and the drive wasn't long either. But once the car stopped they all hopped out of the car and grabbed me again. This time they threw me in that shed you found me in and just left. They left me there alone until you found me. I don't know what they were planning to do to be honest.
B- Wow i feel like a hero. You should buy me more McDonald's for saving ur butt.
Y- Have you seriously already eaten your McDonald's? I didn't even talk for that long.
B- Shut up i was hungry.
Y/n POV:
After i was done explaining everything to Bill, we stayed on call just chatting about the tour and other random things. Eventually we both fell asleep , still on call. We arranged to meet in a few days so we could go to McDonald's and i could buy him a meal for saving me and also to hang out.

I woke up and realised me and Bill were still on call. His face was right up to the fuzzy camera and i could just about see his peaceful and relaxed face and was adorable. I really wished i could go and squeeze him and never let go. I really loved Bill. He's not like every other famous person who doesn't care about their fans and other people who aren't famous. He was kind to everyone and always stood up for the people he loved.

I didn't want to wake him so i muted myself and screamed into my pillow. I'm so confused with these twins. I think i have a crush on them both and it's not helping when they both keep showing me signs aswell.
Tom POV:
It's 1PM and Bill is still asleep. How ridiculous is that? I think it's time that i woke him up. Even if he will most likely slap me or turn into some demon, someones got to do it. Otherwise he will be asleep for the rest of the day without a care in the world.

I barge Bills door open and lunge onto him. Thats when i realise Bills phone was still on and i saw a familiar face on the small, blurry screen staring at him. I snatched the small flip phone to see y/n snuggled in her bed. I could see the hearts in her eyes before she snapped out her daze to see me looking at her with a confused look.

"Uhh Tom?" she says.

"Hello y/n. Why are you staring at my sleeping brother you pedo." i ask.

"First of all, i wasn't staring. Second of all i can't even make out his face very well on this stupid phone. And third of all, why are you in his room anyway?" she snaps back.

"It's 1PM. It's time for this huge child to wake up." I snap back at her.

After mine and y/ns little conversation, i hear a grumble escape Bills mouth. He was awakening from his long slumber. I quickly gave him a slap just to be sure he wakes up and then i bolt out of the room. I'm not risking on losing my life today.

I've already made Bills breakfast and it was on the kitchen counter waiting for him. He always had the same, bacon sandwich and a strawberry milkshake. I'm surprised he wasn't fat as all he eats is junk food.
Bill POV:
Tom does the same thing everyday. He comes into my room, slaps me and then leaves. But i cant complain really. If it wasn't for him i would most likely sleep for the whole day. Besides, he cooks me breakfast everyday aswell.

I saw my phone lying beside my face and then i heard some muffling escape from the small speakers. I picked it up and squinted my eyes at the tiny fuzzy screen. As i just woke up it wasn't particularly nice to look at a bright screen. I tried to make out what i was looking at but my eyes were still half asleep. That's when i heard y/n's voice.

"Good morning Billy." she chuckled, probably looking at my squinted face.

"mmm." was all i managed to say back. Who can blame me? I was just woken up from a proper nice sleep.

I stared at the screen a bit longer just to get my vision back to normal. Slowly the picture of y/n's face started to fill my eyes and she couldn't have looked cuter. She had her hood on, covering a slight part of her face with the sweetest smile plastered on my lips.

"You done staring now?" she giggles.

"Shush." i say back, slamming my face into my pillow wishing i could go back to sleep. Also so i could hide the obvious blush on my face.

"Bill you better be awake!" Tom voice booms from the hallway outside of my room.

A second later, Toms standing at my door.

"Get up now Bill. It's almost 2PM." he announced trying to act big and tough. Everyone knows that if i made even the slightest move as i'm lying here, he would sprint. I'm not one to be woken up.

I groan and sit up. Stretching and yawning while doing so.

"Don't tell me your still tired Bill." y/n asks, slight  disappointment in her voice.

"I have a good excuse to be tired. We were on call until like 4 in the morning." i say back.

"Yes i know Bill, but 4AM to 1PM is still 9 hours of sleep." she argues back.

"Yeah yeah whatever, i need atleast 10 hours of sleep for me not to be tired." i say back before standing up and stretching one final time.

"Sureee Bill. Anyway i better get going now, i'll see you in a few days. Text me tonight." she says.

"Ok bye y/n. Will do." i say back and then she ends the call.

I stumble my way into the kitchen and see Tom slouched over in his seat staring closely at his phone. His posture was so terrible he looked like a camel.

"Finally." Tom says as he looks at my moody face.

I just gave him a glare in return and took a bite out of my cold bacon sandwich. It still tasted delicious though.

(A/N sorry this one took to long to come out 😭 plus i don't know if flip phones had facetime back in the day but i couldn't be bothered to research it so just pretend they do 🥰)

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