☆𝓜𝔂 𝓼𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓻☆

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Bill POV:

Tom said he was meeting up with y/n about 3 hours ago now, so he should be back to hotel. He's not.

I've tried to contact him and y/n but both of them didn't answer which caused me to get a little worried.

I didn't really know what to do since Georg was out with his girlfriend and Gustav was with them. They did invite me but i decided not to go, i needed to clean the hotel rooms anyway.

In the end i decided to go on a walk. The time was about 6PM so it wasn't too dark.

I was already dressed so i just popped a leather jacket on just incase it got a bit cold.

I wanted to try a different route today, so i walked through the park but went a different way out. This lead me to another road.

On this road i saw another alley so i decided to go down there. I wasn't scared because it was still light outside, but if it was dark i would be turning the other way and going straight back to the hotel room. This alley was small and compact which i really didn't like.

The alley sent me to this forest looking place which was kinda creepy, but i kept walking anyway.
Y/n POV:

I woke up hoping that all this was only a dream but sadly, when i snapped back into reality, i realised it wasn't just a dream.

I was still in the dark shed, alone. The rusty gardening tools all still in the same place as if no one has touched them in years.

I stand up to see if the door would open, but of course it doesn't because kidnappers are smarter than that.

One thing i did see though was a small hole in the wall of the shed. I peek out and see that i was in the middle of absolute no where.

No lights, roads, people, animals, anything. Just trees. A lot of trees.

I was thinking maybe if i shouted for help it would benefit me by getting me out of this shithole or the men will just come back and tell me to shut up, maybe even hurt me?

You know what? Fuck it. I shouted at the top of my lungs, screaming for help.
Bill POV:

'what the fuck was that scream' i thought.

"I knew this place was fucking creepy" i mumble to my self before booking it out of here.

That's when i heard the shout again, this time pleading for help.

The voice sounded familiar, but i wasn't sure. All i knew was that this could be some sort of joke to lure me more into the woods, or someone could actually be in danger.

I decide to follow the screams because i had the gut feeling telling me to go.
Tom POV:

I've looked everywhere for y/n and the time was getting late, but still no sign of her.

I walked back to hotel to try and get the others to help me find her, but no one was there.

I really thought i was dreaming or hallucinating at this point. Where is everyone?

I call Bill but he doesn't answer to i try calling Georg instead. Luckily he answers.

(on the phone, speaking in german)
Tom: Where are you?
Georg: Me and Gustav are out with my girlfriend and Bill is at the hotel.
Tom: I'm at the hotel now but Bill isn't here.
Georg: I dunno then.
Tom: Oh my days your useless.
Georg: Sorry Tom, anyway i thought you were going out with y/n?
Tom: She didn't show up and isn't answering her calls, also when i tried to look for her i found her necklace on the floor and next to it was tape so i'm really worried.
Georg: I'm sure it's fine, Tom. Also maybe Bill has gone out somewhere, so no need to worry about him. You know what he's like.
Tom: Ok thank you Georg, have a good night.

I say before ending the call.

Georg was right, Bill is quite an independent person who likes to go out by himself so i'm sure he's fine.

About y/n though. I've checked everywhere and she's not even answering her calls which is unusual for her. But the necklace i found may not even be hers. I'm worrying too much.

I've been busy all day looking for her, so i think i should have a nap.
Y/n POV:
I shouted for help for a good 5 minutes or so, but obviously no one came. We were in the middle of nowhere after all.

I gave up in the end and just sat with my back against the door. I was starving and dehydrated as well which caused me to have a huge headache.

After a few minutes i heard some footsteps. The twigs on the ground snapping and the leaves rustling. I got a bit scared as i thought it might be the men coming back to get me, but then i heard a gentle "hallo" and it was awfully familiar.

My mind instantly thought of Tom so i scrambled up and looked out of the small hole. I didn't see anyone until i looked harder. That's when i saw a small figure in the distance walking closer to the shed.

He had black lion mane sort of hair, an eyebrow piercing and had a small star tattoo on his lover belly which was peeking out from his black t-shirt.
On top of that he had black skinny jeans and a leather jacket. I immediately realised who it was. It was Bill.

"BILL!" i shouted.

He looked at the shed in confusion but then recognised my voice and came running over. He looked into the hole and asked what the fuck i was doing in there.

I said i will explain what happened after he lets me out. He told me to stand back as he found quite a big stone lying on the floor beside the shed and threw it at the door, causing it to create and big hole. The hole wasn't big enough for me to fit in though, but then i thought why didn't he just open the door? It had a handle and all.

"Uh Bill, why don't you just open the door normally?" i say

"Oh i didn't think of that." he says as he opens it easily.

"How come you couldn't open it from the inside?" he asks.

"I think it had some sort of special lock? I don't really know." i say

"Ahh right. Now let's get the fuck out of here before anyone else shows up." he says

I nod in agreement as we both run for our lives, him leading the way as he knew what way to go.

Whilst running i ask him what he's doing here and he just tells me how he wanted to try a different route for a walk and then goes onto explain that it was good that he did.

He takes me back to the hotel where i see Tom asleep in the bed.

I was a bit shocked as i thought he would be a bit more worried than that but then Bill distracted me by asking what the full story was.

We sat on Bills bed together and i explained everything that happened. Bill gave me that look as if to say 'i'm so sorry' and it was adorable.

After i finished explaining, a tear fell from my eye and Bill pulled me into a warm hug.

He then suggested that i have a shower and clean myself up, then we can watch a movie.

I obviously agreed and then walked into the bathroom. I guessed i was sleeping over with them but i didn't have anything to wear.

"Uh Bill, i don't have anything to wear." i nervously say whilst peeking my head out to the bathroom.

"Oh don't worry, you can borrow some of my mine." he says handing me a pile of clothes, smiling with his adorable smile.

He gave me black sweatpants, a pair of his boxers and one of his t-shirts.

I had my shower and got changed then walked back into the room. I saw Bill sneakily check me out before i climbed into his bed. He snuggled up to me and turned the movie on. In the end we both fell asleep, still holding onto eachother.

☆𝓣𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮☆ (𝘛𝘰𝘮/ 𝘉𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘒𝘢𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘻 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳) 丰Where stories live. Discover now