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Y/n POV:
Later that night i could tell everyone was a bit on edge. We were all sat in the living room, playing truth or dare and trying to ease the nerves. On my right was Tom, my head on his shoulder and his hand entwined into mine. On my left was Georg, who had his head composed gently on my lap. I was running hands through his hair, which i could tell was helping him get his mind off leaving. It was peaceful and everyone slowly became less tense by being in each others embrace.

"Y/n, truth or dare?" Tom asks, a clear grin plastered on his face.

"Hmm. Dare." i return back to him confidently.

He chuckles before coming closer and whispering in my ear teasingly "I dare you to kiss me, in front of everyone."

I look at him with wide eyes and an obvious blush spread on my warm cheeks, then back and everyone else, who looked at me puzzled as they didn't even know what he said.

I turn my gaze back to Tom who was waiting patiently for his kiss. Obviously i couldn't say no so i dived right in. I think we were both expecting just a small peck on the lips but we both somehow turn that small kiss into a small make out. Who can blame us? We were nervous and this was helping things get of our mind.

We suddenly get interrupted by Bill doing an awfully loud, obnoxious cough. We both turn too look at Bill, a disappointed look obvious on each on our faces.

"Sorry about that, probably the nerves." I made up a stupid excuse, retracting back down into my own seat.

Bill and Gustav looked at us with slightly agape mouths whereas Georg started clapping.

"Well done bro, that was good." Georg praises Tom and reaches over me to pat his shoulder. I giggle at his outcome.

"Thanks dude." Tom smirks and pats his own back.

"So, Bill truth or dare?" i ask, trying to get any attention away from me and Tom.

"Oh um truth." he says, shock still clear in his voice.

"Hmmm... Is it true you like my mum?? You seemed to have a lovely long chat with her yesterday." I wiggled my eyebrows at him, although it was the first thing i could think off and was obviously a dumb question.

"What!?? Of course not. She was just telling me how i need to keep you safe." He blurts back, shaking his head side to side aggressively.

I laugh at his behaviour until i felt a small flick on the side of my head. I snap my head around to the direction where i felt the flick come from. It came from Gustavs side and he was holding a bowl of popcorn, grinning at me. I instantly knew what he had done. I'm surprised he hadn't learnt from that time when Tom threw that skittle at me.

"Did you just throw popcorn at me?" my voice sounded demanding as i waited for a response.

Gustav just looked at me, that same grin smothered over his face. He reached into the bowl and plucks another piece popcorn, chucking it at my direction after doing so.

My face turned from a smile, to a serious look. He really wants to have a food fight? I saw the faces of the rest of boys and they looked slightly worried because they knew i wouldn't let that go.

I stand up and walk over to where Bill was sitting, snatching the large bag of skittles from his hand. Then i made my way over to where Gustav was placed and poured the whole bag over his head. It did make quite a large mess but that was the least of my worries at the moment. This was war.

He gasped but soon realised sitting there like a lemon wasn't going to save him from me. He crawled up onto his feet, bringing the popcorn bowl up with him. Before he could make any move with that popcorn, i snatched that as well. Some pieces flew out from the impact but i quickly chucked that over his head while he was distracted looked at the fallen pieces. I knew i was going to be the one to clean it up after, but if it was to get vengeance on that one piece he threw at me originally, i didn't care.

At this point, Gustav was practically swimming in skittles and popcorn. After i dumped everything on him i did realise i might have gone a bit far for just one piece of popcorn. Thankfully everyone laughed, including Gustav which hopefully meant he didn't mind. I stepped away and apologised for going too far.

"It's okay y/n, it's funny. One thing though.. your cleaning up this mess." He chuckled. I understood why he asked me to clean it up, seeing as i did make the mess.

"Okay." i respond and bend down to start scooping up the heap of litter sprawled out on the carpeted floor.

Tom steps in to help me and starts collecting a few chunks of the food, eating a few along the way.

"Tom!! That's gross. Georgs mouldy feet has stepped on that spot." I joke, looking over to Georg who now had an offensive face smeared on his once handsome face.

"No offence Goerg, just honesty." I reply to his offended face.

In return he gave me a side eye. A typical Georg thing to do.

Me and Tom finished scooping the mess back into the popcorn bowl, and i look up to see Tom's face stuffed with loads of skittles and barely any left in the bowl. I roll my eyes and stand up, walking into the kitchen to dispose the Georg- infected popcorn remains. I wash my hands to get rid of the stickiness the skittles left on my hands and then walk back into the living room where everyone else was, just drying my hands by wiping it on my hoodie.

Bill switched the tv on and turned on some childish cartoon program. I don't think it was intended because straight after, he asked what everyone wanted to watch.

"I don't mind staying on this." I shrug. It wasn't that bad of a show. To be honest, it was quite interesting.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." He sarcastically responds. And i give him a confused look.

"Wait, you weren't joking?" He adds on.

"No? It looks pretty good." I reply, popping myself on the sofa in between Gustav and Tom.

Tom pretends to yawn but instead places his arm over my shoulder and i lean in closer so that my head is resting on the side of his chest.

"Horror!" Gustav suggests, making me jump a little from his outburst.

"Okay, whatever." Bill exhales, changing the channels on the tv. He switched to the first horror movie he saw, which was 'Scream'. I had never watched it before but i heard many people raving about how good it was.

"This look good to you guys?" He asks, getting comfortable besides Georg and wrapping himself in a cozy blanket.

We all nod and he turns it on. I wasn't expecting the first 10 minutes of the movie to be so gruesome, which made me gasp and wrap myself tighter in the blanket me and Tom were sharing. I think i pulled so hard i yanked half the blanket off of him and he saw his life flash before his eyes as he had nowhere to hide under for any upcoming jumpscares. He was almost trembling, which i had to admit was kinda cute. I gave him some more blanket and scooted myself even closer so we could share the blanket better.

A little bit longer into the movie, more jumpscares began displaying on the screen which affected Tom the most. He screeched and dug himself into my chest and i pulled him closer. I can't lie that i was frightened aswell. Georg, Bill and Gustav honestly didn't look amused at all and were all just yawning with the occasional jolt from a small jumpscare.

Gustav was the first to fall asleep, then me, Tom, Georg and the last one asleep was Bill. All piled on top of eachother, ready for the long travelling tomorrow.

☆𝓣𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮☆ (𝘛𝘰𝘮/ 𝘉𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘒𝘢𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘻 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳) 丰Where stories live. Discover now