A Sunny Vacation (sex)

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I have arrived at the hotel and I am ready to relax, read and learn all the latest information on cybersecurity and newest technologies. Plus find out more about how the latest developments on n line trading is leading to the latest on line crimes involving the trading. I make notes of my own thoughts on how people could use their skills to turn others assets into their assets. Plus I look at the biggest targets and the smallest ones. I finally found myself able to take a vacation and I took it.

I am just relaxing when I see one of the Steele's across from me on the other side of the pool. The area where the small cabanas are located. She's been too busy with her books and typing on her computer and phone to notice that guys are looking her way. Several tried to talk to her but she didn't look up at them her concentration was that deep. I see her get up and take her things and head towards the cabanas. I notice a guy who has decided to follow her, so I have my CPO get someone to make sure she arrives to her place safely. Ten minutes later he comes back and tells me that she was safely in her room, but the guy wasn't so safe from her. He apparently made the mistake of trying to grab her and he ended up with his wrists and ankles tied and the cops arrested him. He was arrested for sexually assaulting her. It wasn't his first time he had tried to rape a single female guest of the hotel. This time he was caught on cameras. Apparently Miss Steele was asked to help them get rid of him. So she did. She thanked me for looking out for her and really appreciated the thought. She sent me my favorite drink.

I join Mia at the pool and mom and dad are joining us later. Christian is still working on his laptop but will be down soon. Gail and Jason are enjoying well deserved time off after everything. Other security teams are in place for this trip. I sit down by Mia and order a cool drink and watch the young ladies in bikinis. I can't help myself looking at them all. Christian arrives and sits on the other side of Mia.

I am enjoying the views and then I see her, Miss Anastasia Steele and she is wearing a bikini under the coverup she just took off. I feel ice water hit my face and see Mia and Elliott laughing at me. I watch as Miss Steele swims through the pool back and forth. Soon she gets out of the pool and towels her wet body off and lays on her lounger. I am definitely admiring her body, very well toned and she definitely works out regularly. I decide a few laps in the pool will cool me off. Elliott has spotted his target and is swimming towards her and her friends. I decide to say hello to Miss Steele and I do. I get out of the water and grab a towel from the cart and dry off. I find the seat next to her empty and sit there. I say hello to her and she's got her headphones on. I pull one out and say hello again.

I was so relaxed I didn't notice anything and mr Grey pulled my earplug out and said hello and sat down by me. I have to say he definitely has a nice body under those suits. A client who pays well, can't mix business with pleasure. I am polite but not biting the bait on the hook. He definitely has admirers watching him and apparently so do I. He is talking about the hotel and how nice it is and I think he is leading up to something. Soon he asks me to dinner. I guess dinner with him and his family. I ask him when we are going to dinner and where?

I tell her when and where we are going to dinner and she agrees to meet us there and tells me she needs to go and do some work and I watch her leave and head back to my room. She assumed that we are having dinner with my family. I am hoping that she stays to eat dinner with me  anyway.

I am waiting for Anastasia to arrive. I watch as she walks towards me in a nice black sleeveless dress. I help her into her seat and we are given our menus. She asks where my family are at and I tell them they had other plans. We order dinner and talk about her work and mine.

We talking about our work and he suddenly asks me if I am seeing anyone? I tell him I go on dates but they don't ever work out because we both want something different. I ask him what he wants from dating? He blushes and I think we both know what he's looking for. We finish our meals and desert, he invites me on a walk with him. It couldn't hurt to walk the meals off. So we go for a walk and arrive back to my cabana. I thank him for the meal and he says your welcome. I pull my access card from my purse and open the door.

Everything went great at dinner and the walk. I decided to take a chance and kiss her after she opens her door. I pull her to me and kiss her and she kisses me back. I walk her into her room still kissing her and shut the door. We are making out in the dark and I push her against the door. I have wanted to kiss her since I first met her. She moans and my lips move to her neck and the top of her breasts.

I can't help kissing him back and we are against the closed door and making out. I know this is wrong, but it feels so good and he starts kissing my throat and the top of my breasts. I can't help but moan. I feel his erection and he pushes against me as his hands move to my dress straps and slip them off my shoulders and expose my bare breasts and he massages my breasts and kisses me. He starts pulling my nipples and leans to suck each of them and then he slips his hand between my legs and pulls my panties off. Suddenly we on my bed and naked. His head is between my legs and he's doing things to me that I don't want to stop him doing. I feel my kegs tighten and it feels so good. His tongue and fingers are doing the right things. He starts his way up kissing every inch of me to my lips and soon he enters me and we are meeting each others thrusts. Four orgasms and the night isn't over.

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