Is It Real?

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I haven't heard from Anastasia since the email she sent to me before she left for home. I didn't contact her after my email back to her. We both accepted it for what it was. I opened the email and I got the surprise of my lifetime. Several things came to mind until I see the medical reports from her high school years saying she could never have children and why. Then I see a picture of the embryo of our baby. The timing was right and then the document signing my rights away to our baby. I contact the attorney because she said not to contact her because she can't have undue stress of any kind and she's on bed rest until the baby is born. She wants absolutely nothing from me at all, except me to sign away my rights to my child. I call the attorney and tell him that I will not sign away my rights to the baby. He asks me what are my intentions because he represents Anastasia. I tell him that I don't know yet, but I will figure it out and call him back.

Attorney Charles Winston
I call Anastasia and tell her that he doesn't want to give up his rights to the baby yet. His attorney will call me when he knows what he wants and try to work things out with her via attorney.

Attorney David Douglas
I look over everything and tell Christian that he has a right to be in the baby's life once it's born. But given her precarious condition he should respect her wishes and assure that she has the baby. He can offer assistance if he wants but if she refuses it then it is best to just go through the attorney and ask questions. This is getting ridiculous on both parts.

I am starting to figure out who papa bear is. Apparently the Grey family was at the same hotel as Anastasia and she left early and the time frame is right. Anastasia tells me to stop digging and go home. She has to stay in bed and she needs our help. Her computer and phone is on her bed and she has her work by her as well. Ray gives her all the tools she needs to do her jobs and she does them quickly. She has been to see her OB/GYN and so far so good, but she's bigger than she should be and they discovered why. At three months along she looks six months along. The ultrasound showed more than one baby. I am very excited about this and so is Ray and Adam. After all she was told she could never have a baby and here she is having four of them. Now we need to know who the father is. She needs more care than we can give her at home.

I inform mr Winston that I am having four babies and will need a specialist to help carry them to full term. Apparently the blurring in the first picture was of the other three babies. He got back to me pretty quickly with the response from Christian's attorney and he wants all the bills for anything I need for the pregnancy and what they will need when they are born. Now people are going to know and my family needs to know first. He can tell his family when he wants to.

We are all amazed that Christian is the father of her babies and four of them at that. Now we just hope they make it along with Anastasia. Ray said she should take what she needs to raise her children. Plus the money for the medical treatment.

Anastasia is adamant about us not approaching Christian about the babies and her OB/GYN dr Greene has changed to a specialist in multiple births. Dr. Aaron Wilde he is single and young but knows his stuff. He said he is hopeful that all of the babies will survive and Anastasia as well. He checked Anastasia and told us that she was doing well and the babies are doing well.

I am surprised how a small woman can carry four babies like this. She is five months now and in the hospital and being watched 24/7. Chronically finally got her to allow him to pay for her medical treatment and the babies treatment.

I finally had to tell my parents about the babies and I knew my mom was going to be in on anything to do with the babies and couldn't be. It would be too much for her to bear if she had to treat her own grandchildren. She was stunned and upset that she wasn't told until Anastasia was hospitalized. I was asked to hold off seeing Anastasia until she asked for me. Mom talked her into seeing me.

After finding out everything about the babies and that Anastasia gave him an out and she was going to raise her miracles on her own. I double checked her medical records and it is a miracle for one much less four.

I read the document that Christian was sent from her attorney to sign away his rights to the baby. He refused to sign the document. He wants the babies, he said he screwed things up with Anastasia and wants to make it right if she will let him. He was too fresh from the Kate fiasco and it all was a spur of the moment thing with Anastasia and him. He regrets how he handled things.

I asked to see Anastasia and she said she wasn't ready to see us yet. Christian went in with his attorney and hers to talk about things regarding the babies. Christian wants them all in a home he bought and is having remodeled and they know the sexes. She's having identical quadruplets. Mom is making sure the NICU is ready to go when the little ones arrive.

Anastasia is very stubborn about her wishes, she says she will think about things regarding the situation and tell me her answer after talking to her family first. I asked her to move in with me at the house I have bought and she isn't sure if it is a good idea since at some point we both will want to get married to someone who loves us and it would cause us issues. Her house has enough room for the boys to live there and security is great, but help is another matter. There's no place for nannies or mannies to live in. Ray is working on that situation.

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