Who Are The Victims Really?

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After looking at the videos and watching them very closely. It appears that Callie raped the men. Not the other way around. I suggested that Christian rehire the gardeners and compensate them for lost wages. We are going to press charges against her for raping the men and try to put a gag order on the trails. What we found out disturbs me greatly because Callie is now living with Leila Williams. Who works at GEH as a low level employee and so far has kept her nose clean there. But she has a history of trying to get into Christian's car at high school and she tried to do a few other things that failed to work because she was discovered by security before she could cry rape. These two are up to something and I know it. I just hope they don't find out that Isobel is the mother of Christian's triplets. Because they might hurt her. I recommended that we discuss this with her adoptive parents and get security involved to keep Isobel safe. Soon the Williams have agreed to allow Isobel to stay here with security and be protected by Christian's team.

I answer the front door and I am arrested for raping two men. They read me my rights and I am going to jail. I can't get my evidence against the two men. Leila arrives and asks why I am being arrested and they tell her that I am being charged with raping two men. I am put in the squad car as Leila does nothing to help me. I am finally able to get the handcuffs off just long enough to be strip searched and then fingerprinted and photographed. I can't even afford an attorney so I need a public defender. I have to wait until one is available and during their work hours. So I am going have to stay here until one comes.

I go and check Leila's room, but someone knocks on the door so I can't check what's in her room. Cops arrive with a search warrant to search the house for evidence against Callie. I show them her bedroom, but they tell me it covers the whole house and my car and garage. They start digging into things and bag things up and nearly take everything that she brought with her. They found her documents on the baby and take all her paperwork. They take her cell phone and her electronics. I need to get an attorney because there is no doubt that Callie will definitely put me for helping her pull this off. I knew when and where each of the Greys were at because I would watch the security teams and I kept track of their location and where they were going and who was with them. It was part of my job as scheduling for security staff. I knew who was with who and when and where. I was able to let Callie know when Christian was going to be coming home and if Anastasia was home or not.

Things came out in that trial and we went after Leila Williams as well. We accidentally found out that Isobel had been adopted by Leila's parents and they had no idea what Leila was up to. We wanted to assure Isobel's safety. We did get time for Leila and she was terminated and we decided that only certain staff knew about the security teams schedules and everything they were doing. She put us at risk. The Williams hated it but they allowed mom and dad to take Isobel to their home. Leila had been threatening her because she was jealous of her getting her parents attention. She did a few things to Isobel that she ended up in the ER. Fives times in three months. So they charged her with assault and battery on a minor child.

Gia has been helping create a bedroom for Isobel here in our home. It's not as elaborate as the one at the Williams home, but it is unique like Isobel. She had to transfer to a new school because of Leila being out on bail. She had enough money to pay her bail. Leila apparently knew Darius and he found out the Isobel was her new adopted sister. So she definitely wasn't safe. Carrick said he would assure that Darius gets put behind bars for a long time.

I was arrested for molesting Isobel and I can't make bail. Diana told me she wasn't going to help me at all. She refuses to go down with a sinking ship. I am going to have to take a plea deal and will be on the sex offender and pedophile lists. The public defender found out Isobel wasn't my first. Susan Radcliffe was my first she gave the babies up as well. Her parents covered it up. I was never allowed near Susan after she became pregnant and I was forced to sign my rights away to a set of twin boys and I got photos of them before they escorted me from the nursery. Leila knows this information and she tried to use it against me.

Dana Tyler
Seattle was a long way from New York and here we are. Oscar Moore and I adopted our twins and they are ten years old now. James Emerson and Jared Elliott Tyler Moore we are moving here to help out Ray Steele and his family with some investigations along with a company. Oscar is going to be working at GEH as security for Grey House. There is a nice new home waiting for us with our things from the house in New York.

Oscar Moore
We meet the movers at the new home and the security cameras are on and we are allowed to enter with the codes. Soon we are watching the movers bring everything in and place things where they should go. By midnight and three pizzas and sodas, we are ready to go to bed and they are ready for us. The boys go brush their teeth and wash their faces as we go shower and do our bedtime routine. Soon we are sleeping soundly.

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