All In The Family

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The things we found out recently about our adopted children somehow are related to each other and to others who recently moved to Seattle and we were asked to have DNA tests done and between Susan Radcliffe and Callie we were shocked about the results. Darius Lincoln is father to our triplets, Oscar and Dana were the first to see the similarities between Elliott's fraternal twins to their older boys. Then we were asked to have DNA checked on all the adopted children and they are half brothers and sisters. Some have the same father and others the same mother. It just amazed us. What are the odds?

The things we find out about by accident. I don't think we have thought that there were more of Susan Ratcliffe's children out in the world. Darius Lincoln was the father of her first set of twins, our triplets and Callie's twin boys. Elliott, Danny, Collin and now Darius are the fathers and Susan, Isobel and Callie are their mothers. It's a very strange situation and we have kept this very quiet considering how bad the press can get. We invited Oscar, Dana and they brought their children to a family bbq. Seeing them all together is amazing to us. Mom was very happy to see all the children running around. Ray and Carla weren't surprised about the possibility that there were more children by Susan and definitely not about Darius Lincoln. He kept telling us this couldn't have been the first time he had molested a young girl. We adults spoke quietly about the connections.

All these children have been having a lot of fun. I start noticing a few of them resemble each other. Aaron has seen it as well and wea sit down with my family and another couple. They are talking about the fact that the children that were adopted along with Elliot's fraternal twins are half siblings and DNA proves it to be the case. They tell Aaron and I to keep that to ourselves at this point.

I suspected that the children were related in some way because a lot of similarities were present in them. We were let in on the DNA testing and it kind of blew our mind. We had been talking about having children again and had decided to start trying again. The last time we got frustrated and decided to wait again after a year of trying and being devastated. It didn't help when children started being dropped out of the air to Anastasia and Christian. Especially the triplets. Mia and I should have started adoption proceedings and we might have adopted the triplets. Isobel is no doubt their mother. She is living with my in laws. I would love to have a couple of children even if they are adopted they would be our children. I am trying to talk Mia into it.

The month after the caseworker came to see how we lived. I am very glad that Mia and I are fastidious about our keeping our home neat and organized. Now what we were dressed in was another matter. We were in jogging suits and tennis shoes, reading the latest newspaper.

I was surprised to see Caseworker Lena Jacobs and my hair was a mess and no make up on. They weren't kidding when they said we would get a surprise visit.

Caseworker Lena Jacobs
The house has a lot of security and guards announced me and I was allowed entry onto the property. I am greeted by the Wildes at the door, they have staff, but they greeted me anyway. I tell them I need to see their home and where they are thinking of putting the child to sleep and I look around and things are very welcoming. I know dr Grey this is similar to her home In it's welcoming nature along with it looks to be childproofed. We go look around the house and it seems very comfortable and neat without being overly so. It looks lived in. The kitchen is huge and it bespeaks of all what you would think a chef's home kitchen would be. All the sharp knives are in places that are safely arranged up out of the way. Mrs Wilde says with all their nieces and nephews they had the kitchen designed for child safety. I take a lot of notes and we go look at the bedrooms and they are very nicely decorated. We look at their backyard and again they have it set up for safety of children. Their nieces and nephews visit a lot. Once I have everything I need I let them know they will hear from me and they will and hopefully soon. I get back to write the report up and before I can finish the last approval on the Wilde's, I get a call for a couple of babies that have just been taken away from their parents permanently. I am looking at the photos that were sent on the pdf file from the hospital. This has to be a quick decision. I call four people and they are already adopting and it hadn't been entered in the system yet. I call the Wilde's and ask them to meet me at the hospital.

I am looking through the NICU glass and see The two Doe baby's ID numbers 123456789 and 123456790. A girl and a boy both having issues breathing. They were born at a homeless shelter and left there, they caught the mother and father and their rights were taken away from them for good reasons. Both were not in their right minds and thought the babies were part alien.

I look at the medical records and see they are being treated because they were left where they were born in the homeless shelter. Their lungs were in bad shape when they were found. They checked things out and found the parents. They brought them both in for physicals, bloodwork and psychological evaluation. They thought the babies were part alien. Their rights to the babies were taken away from them, this wasn't the first time they did this.

Aaron Wilde jr and Felicity Grace Wilde were released a week later and the adoption is in process. It is amazing how they have changed our lives in the short time we have had them.

I am so happy that we have adopted and we are very happy about it. Mom and dad are very happy as well. We found out yesterday that I am pregnant and having twins as well.

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