Root Of Evil

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This isn't over yet, and mom and I aren't going to allow it. I remember how Anastasia was in high school and how easy it was to target her. It wouldn't take much to get her into a situation and we get her to give up the amount of the trust funds to us.

Beverly Smith
Danny and I have a plan and it means using the twins. We have figured out Anastasia's schedule and we know where and when she will be at a certain place.

Christian and I have set a trap for the Smiths and we figure they are going to use the twins to grab me. They won't kill me, but they won't let me go either. Even after they get what they want. Coverts have been following them, their attorney, and the twins. We want to know where they are at all times. My gun is in my holster at all times. I started wearing it again after Danny Smith arrived for the reading of the will. The will left the estate to only Susan and any offspring she would have. Her husbands could not have a dime of the estate. Once she had children the attorneys were in charge of the estate and trust funds were transferred to her children. She was given a monthly allowance and could access it anywhere. They tracked her that way. Danny knew about her plastic surgeries somehow. The police started investigating him for Susan's murder after they dug deeper and found other evidence.

I have the twins pretend to be lost and they approach Anastasia and before they can get to her they are stopped and police are questioning them and I feel handcuffs on my wrists and I see mom sitting in a police car. We were both set up. They are taking us in separate cars and the twins are being taken by CPS. I can't see what they can hold us on. Once we are done being fingerprinted, strip searched and photographed we call our attorneys.

I can't believe we are behind bars, they searched the van and found everything we were using to kidnap Anastasia. Right now they are building a case against us. Now if the twins can keep their mouths shut. They start digging up things and soon we are both being charges with several unsolved murders and planning Anastasia's kidnapping. The twins have been answering the police's questions honestly. We can't get bail at all.

Mom made sure the twins were checked out at the hospital before going into a good foster home that just so happens to be Gail and Jason Taylor's home. They had been foster parents since they met Anastasia and heard her story. She was also one but waited to see if she wanted to adopt. So the Smith Twins are living with the Taylor's temporarily. It keeps them in a good environment for now. They attend school here now. Anastasia is trying to not get attached to the Smith twins. I don't think that Danny or Beverly are going to be released at any time. Several states are hunting them and now they are clamoring to get them back in their jurisdiction. Dad says that they are wanted for crimes committed here in Washington State that they have to stand trial for first. I had no idea. Ray knew though and put a bug in the prosecutions ear. He gave them information about the crimes. He really wants them out of our lives for good. So do I.

At first we were worried about the twins behavior, but they are well behaved. Hailey and Halley Smith are nothing like their parents and that's a good thing. Gail is really enjoying having the girls around. They know how to cook, clean and repair things. They are well read as well. They definitely are inquisitive.

We are just fostering at this point and we are being asked if we had the opportunity to adopt them would we take it? Jason and I said we would if they needed to be adopted. What I can't get over is that they aren't asking about their father or grandmother. It's like they are used to being with strangers. They weren't afraid of Jason or anyone else. These two are just happy to have a roof over their heads and food on the table and they are good at things that at their ages they wouldn't normally be. I don't want to ask them too many questions. They have been through enough questioning.

Caseworker Alva Stone
I drop by the Taylor's for a surprise inspection and they are playing with the girls and the house is very clean and well organized. Security is tight getting in here another plus. Plus two of their siblings live in the main house. The girls are six years old and they can do things that most adults can't do. Something tells me these girls have had to fend for themselves most of their lives. I had the child psychologist talk to them and do an evaluation of them. I look at their bedrooms and the kitchen. Then their car seats and their playroom and the backyard. This place is very secure and I need to ask them something because the courts are terminating mr Smith's parental rights and they have other relatives living. This will require a private conversation and I ask if we can chat privately.

We are already nervous about this visit, but it turns out she wants to know if we would like to adopt the girls. Gail has already told me if that would happen she would love to adopt them. They have been with us more than a month. At first we couldn't believe that they were placed with us.

We tell the caseworker we would definitely adopt the girls if we are asked to. They are very good young girls. I hope they stay this way as well.

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