56. Mutter

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Humidity and heat, the same smells as in the dream. Had Giorno been a more superstitious man than he already was, he would have thought it had been some sort of premonitory dream. For a person with powers beyond all human nature, he was rather reluctant to believe in such things as signs, premonitions or fortune tellers. Logic told him that if any of those existed, he would surely find them attacking him, so if they hadn't attacked him using clairvoyance so far, it was because they didn't exist.

His men were waiting for him outside with two SUV cars, one for security and the other one to take him, with the current Napolese capo not long in coming to kiss his ring. Unlike Polpo, his predecessor, this man was very active in his team's missions. He saw Giorno as a savior, as if he didn't know it was partly all the don's fault. But he had kissed the ring and knew what Giorno was capable of, so he would respect his boss with that respect born of fear.

"Signore Giovanna, I know this is not the right time, but I would like to inform you informally that the christening of my second son will be in a few weeks," the Napoli capo told him from the driver's seat. "You don't have to come, of course, but we would be honored by your presence."

Giorno wasn't in the mood for conversation. However, the capo's words stirred up the memory of what he had sensed in Jolyne that morning.

"What's it like?" Giorno asked. "I mean having children with this job."

"Difficult," replied the man, happy that for once the Don was talking to him about something other than work. "I think being a good father in general is a difficult thing, and of course, this job makes everything even more difficult and makes you worry more, but.... Every time I see my children and my Martia, I think it's worth it—all the work, all the worries, because of how much I love my family. I hope the Don can have a family as happy as mine someday."

Giorno thought of that energy he had been trying so hard to deny. He had had Golden Experience for too many years to think he wasn't accurate and had made a wrong reading. There was a simple explanation for what he had sensed in Jolyne. She was with child. And he was going to be a father.

If Jolyne wanted it to be.

"Don, we've arrived," said the Capo of Naples, pulling him out of his thoughts. Giorno nodded and came out before they opened the door.

His men had fenced off the perimeter. They didn't have too much news of what was going on inside, but apparently, the zombies hadn't tried to leave the house yet.

Giorno was not dressed in the best way for such a mission. When he had to get his hands dirty in a practical way, he usually preferred more comfortable clothes, but that day, he had automatically dressed in the suit he had pre-selected from the day before. The blood red suit made his golden hair stand out even more. It looked very out of place in the vineyards, and even more so surrounded by men in tactical gear.

"There is no need for anyone to accompany me," Giorno said to his men. "I just want you to open the door for me."

The men glanced briefly at each other, but no one disobeyed. The door to the house was not far, so it would be a quick ride in the car. However, Giorno felt that getting a breath of fresh air before entering the house was going to do him good. He had hesitated about how to proceed with these creatures for too long, but he had to start cleaning up his affairs if, by the slightest chance, he was going to have a child. The stories told that when one of the greatest dons in living memory, before Diavolo's time, had had his first child, a great cleansing of lesser famiglie had been undertaken. The child had been born with a peace brought by the blood. Giorno had always found that tremendously logical while at the same time quite practical.

Bloody Golden Butterfly [JJBA Fanfiction] (Giorno x Jolyne)Where stories live. Discover now