14. To lose someone twice

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A hearty thanks to Delta, Kranfoel and Lil_proto for proofreading! 

'Why does this wolf keep getting in my way?!'

Trixie growls as she runs down the corridor, past all the aquatic observatories, knocking down a few furnishings behind her in hopes to slow her pursuer down. Unfortunately, this does nothing to stop the wolf as he relentlessly shoves them away and continues his pursuit.

What a rotten day this has been, not only has she lost the human twice already, but she has lost her arm to that gluttonous shark and now is being chased by that mute wolf! She will need to consume a large number of her saved rations to get that arm back!

'What is wrong with you?? I just want to see the human! But you keep driving him away from me!' Trixie yells telepathically to the wolf, but still no response.

It's unfair, it's unfair, it's unfair! How come he gets to see the human but she can't?? Is that wolf really that selfish? That human, she MUST see that human! Even if it's just for a few minutes... alright, that was a lie, she would prefer a much longer session than just a few measly minutes.

Unfortunately, she would never have that chance as long as the wolf is around.

'Give up already!' Trixie yells, changing routes to look for more opportunities to slow the wolf down.

Running down into a dark open area, filled with large wooden crates and equipment designed to maintain the facility, Trixie figures if she can use the environment to her advantage, she could slow down the wolf long enough to get away! And after that...

'...I will find that human if it's the last thing I do!'

Her instincts cry out to find the human, even more so than all the other humans that got away. It's something that she needs to do! Is it her instinct as a latex creature to find this human? Or perhaps it's something else?

It doesn't matter, as long as she finally-


Something in the dark flares a glowing green color halting her run.

Screeching to a halt, she feels her body shake uncontrollably as she loses her ability to control it. Her mind is screaming at her to look away before it's too late, but her body refuses to listen to her demands, drawing her gaze closer to the glowing green light as it comes closer.

'What...is this??'

Try as she might, she could not break away from the magnetic pull of the glowing green color.

As the green glow comes closer, Trixie is able to see a figure slowly come to view in the light before her. She did not expect to see a black feline like her except with glowing green colors, an odd trait for latex, but that doesn't matter to her. What she wants to know, is what she is doing.

'Who are you? Why can't I move?? What did you do to me???'

The strange feline stops before her, maintaining her green eyes upon her own. She senses a response coming from her, a telepathic link connecting with her. The link connects with her as-


An enormous wave of emotions... emotions of anger and spite striking her down so hard that she recoils back to the wall behind her. She tries to cut off the link but the link remains firm, all attempts to repel or withstand this dreadful link do nothing. If anything...it only made the link and the emotions stronger. Trixie falls to her knees, using her remaining arm to try to cope with the stress.

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