Chapter 11: In Love With A Dragon

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For Cloe20009 thanks for wanting the next chapter.

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Light filters in through my window, waking me. I always close the curtains! Oh, that's right. I passed out before I could close them. I move and stretch feeling like I've had a major workout, and if I'm completely honest, a little tender, which is weird, and my neck feels tender too, but in a pleasurable way. So, I reach up and touch my neck, but don't feel anything, but it's like I can feel where he bit me in the dream. It's almost like my dream wasn't a dream and I did have sex for the first time last night. I feel sore and sticky, and wet. I move off the bed and look at where I was laying, seeing a wet patch but no blood.

I must have really played with myself in my sleep to have cum that much, and for there to be a wet patch. Though in the dream we did fuck alot! I look at myself in the mirror and notice my necklace flickering and it looks like there's heat coming off of it, in the form of fiery whips of smoke. I look down at it, wondering how it got on my neck when I put it under my pillow, and see it looks like it normally does. I look back at the mirror to see it looks normal there too. I must have imagined it.

But I also notice what looks like the start of a bruise maybe, on the part of my neck he bit me. Which doesn't make any sense. Unless I caught the necklace in my sleep and it did that, turning it into a bite in my dream. Shaking my head at myself I turn and look at the time, to see it's just gone eight. Shit!

I run over to the pile of clothes and grab some black daisy duke jean shorts, and a white vest, along with my black matching panties and bra, and run to the bathroom. I have the fastest shower of my life, do all I need to and get dressed, then I grab my bag, mobile, keys, leather jacket and high-heeled ankle boots, then leg it out the door. I run barefoot to the garage and climb into my car, seeing as college started half an hour ago. Fucksticks!

I turn the key in the ignition and as soon as she roars to life I put my foot down and head out. I'm coming to a set of lights, with two lanes, both go straight on, but you can turn left or right depending on the lane you're in. The college is straight on, and there's a Mercedes-AMG GT R. I fucking loved the car as soon as I saw it because it's in the AMG green hell magno. My favourite colour.

I pull up beside it and Holy shit the guy driving is hot. He has brown messy hair and when he looks this way, his eyes... I swear I've seen them before. They're a piercing blue. He's smirking and it just makes him look more sexy. The thing is, he can't see me, my side windows are tinted. Dark tinted.

I rev my engine, inviting him to race. Maybe he's going to college too? His smirk gets bigger as he revs and nods in turn, so I turn back to the road. We're both revving our engines and as soon as the light turns green. We peel out of there.

We're neck and neck the whole time, and I know he has the fastest car, but I don't know what else he has under his hood. I've just put on a Supercharger, amping the horsepower up, gaining up to an extra one-fifty. And haven't you heard the saying it's not the car or speed that matters, but the driver and how good they are?

Now, I'm not trying to toot my own horn or anything but, I'm pretty good behind the wheel. Plus my dad taught me everything he knew. I've always been safe when driving too, especially after Dad's accident. I'm cautious of my surroundings, and take everything in to stay safe, and luckily for me, it seems to be clear the whole way.

We both hit the turning to the school at the same time, but he goes wide, and I lock my wheel and yank my handbrake up, skidding on the inside of him. Then I slam my foot on the accelerator, my body pressing back into the seat, and I decide to show off a little, as I speed up heading towards a space, and when I get there I spin into the space like I'm a car stunt driver.

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