Chapter 39: I've Killed Him!

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They really are so fucking cute, but I kind of love it. I now have on panties and Zye’s top, though I wish it was Kaiden who put his top on me, because yes I’m mad, but his scent is definitely calming me down, and what I need right now. He’s standing closer to me, filling my nose with his scent, and it’s making me a little crazy.

“Kaiden -” Zye starts, after he’s already put his top on me, he is now lifting his back off of me. He needs to stop listening to my inner ramblings because it’s not fair!

“No, Zye. Shit! I’m sorry I-I didn’t mean I wanted you to -”

“Shh.” He says, popping it off my head, then he leans in and kisses my nose before a different top is put over my head. “It’s fine. I’m not offended. I know what you’re feeling right now. You feel like you’re grieving him, and this will help soothe you, and hopefully, you can figure it out. Plus, he’s my mate too, so smelling you both is a big turn-on for me.” He tells me, as Kaiden pulls it down and helps me put my arms through. Then he kisses my cheek as he grabs a fistful of Zye’s top, which he’s now put back on, and pulls him forward and kisses him… And now I’m fucking horny! They both break the kiss and look at me with a smirk, and I roll my eyes.

“We need to leave in the next ten minutes,” Corbin interrupts us.

“Why? What’s happening in ten minutes?” I ask.

“Why is she grieving? Who is she grieving? I forgot to ask because you distracted me.” Kaiden directs the question at Zye, who is looking at me in question.

“We’re going to see our Grandad. He’s finally agreed to meet with you.” Corbin tells me. I look between them, stuck on which conversion to be a part of. But realise I don’t care about anything but my mates right now.

“Nyx? Please tell me why he said -” I grab Kaiden’s face and kiss him, pouring the love I felt for a boy I’m not sure I know anymore into it. My Grandad can wait. He’s made me wait long enough, and Corbin won’t - I get a searing headache, and I feel like my head is on fire, and about to explode. Not again! I was not expecting that spontaneous kiss, to make all three of us pass out.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Much like what happened with Zye, I’m hit with memory after memory of Kaiden. The dreams are now complete and I have the parts with Kaiden in them. It’s nostalgic watching them and seeing Kaiden this way. He’s almost sweeter to me than Zye ever was, even when he was being his overbearing, dominant, bossy self. I guess he is still the same. It’s just his sweet, caring, loving, altruistic, self-denying side that’s gone.

It makes me angry at my Dad all over again. I’ve lost Kaiden for no reason. I know people change, but I want the boy I fell in love with in my dreams. The one I didn’t know existed and thought was just my dream guy, or one of them anyway. And I may have passed out, but I know when my eyes open, they will be red and swollen, because I can feel that I’m already crying. I want Kaiden. The one that was stolen from me.

Once all the dreams are complete, I get to the one I’ve been waiting for. The spiritual one. It feels like the one with Zye, but I’m in a different part of the forest. I look around, but I don’t see Kaiden anywhere and I start to panic. After the one with Zye, I felt this was inevitable, so why can’t I see him?

“Kaiden?” I call out, hoping he will hear me. I hear noises, but there’s too much going on. I can hear the crashing of a waterfall nearby and animals scuffing and scurrying around, along with noises I can’t quite make out.

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