Chapter 1: I'm Sorry.

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"My love, it's time"

"But your not due for-"

"Four more weeks… I know!"

"You can't drive to the hospital! What if she's like me? You need to have her at home. Where's your sister?"

"She… ooooo… She's heavily pregnant as well, don't forget… and cu-... Currently, out of town… They've gone to… Miller's sisters for a… Baby… ooooo, oh god, oh god, oh god!"

"Please call an ambulance or something! How can you possibly drive-"

"I can't… So I'll… ask Sally and meet… meet you thereeeeeeoooooooh…"

"Just breath, love. I'm getting in the car now, I'll be right behind you." She doesn't say anything for a while, but I hear her huffing and puffing, then a door opens and Sally's voice says.

"Oh my gosh, Ada. Where's Asher?..." I quickly plug my headphones in so I miss the conversation, and then I hear as I start the car.

"Get in the car, I'll grab your bag, just breath"


"Yes, love"

"Nyx for a girl, Kai for a boy" She pants through the phone.

"Whatever you want, though Nyx is going to be weird if she's a Phoenix, like me, and Kai means fire, I thought you'd have gone with Drake or Draco, but why are you telling me names now?"

"I… I didn't like those… names, and I'm… telling you because…I’m excited and couldn’t wait to share.” A long pause on her end and a few grunts and I know she’s trying to get in the car.  “Kaliyah also feels something is off… I swear we smelt… multiple… Wolves, bears, and… panthers." She says suddenly.

"I thought we lost them… Once Nyx is born, I will arrange for our escape route." The car door slams and I hear the start of the engine.

"Ok. I love you"

"I love you so much. Please don't start saying goodbye before our baby girl is even here. Nothing can happen to either of you"

"How do… you know it's going to be… Nyx?"

"Call it Phoenix intuition. I'm not too far away now, so should be behind you soon enough"

"Are you going… the speed limit!?"

"Yes and no. I'm trying to catch up to my pregnant wife, she's about to have a little girl you know" She laughs down the line.

"Asher, I-"

"Ada!... ADA!... ANSWER ME!" I hear an almighty bang, then the sounds of things smashing and metal bending, and press my foot on the pedal, only to get stuck at a set of red lights. I’m tempted to run the intersection when I hear the whining siren of an ambulance. When I finally get through traffic and come upon the scene, I pull over and rush over to the officer standing there, as another is taping off the scene.


"Please stay back, sir. This is a crime scene"

"Please, my wife was in the car, she was in labour, our next-door neighbour Sally was driving!-"

"Do you have any ID on you? I need to make sure you are who you say you are" I pull my wallet out and hand him my driver's licence. He talks into his radio while I take in the crumpled remains of our car, the blood that's soaking the seats, the glass everywhere, the skid marks.

"Ok, sir. She's at Addenbrookes-"
"Thank you!" I turn to head back to the car.

"Sir, your wallet." He's right behind me so I grab it, say thank you, and jump in the car. I speed off, not caring about getting a speeding ticket and gun it to the hospital. Thirty minutes later, I'm parking right out front, jumping out and leaving the car, I don't care if it's towed away, I need to find my girls.

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