Chapter 1- Captured

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There’s a deep emptiness, a hole, a void in her soul. Searching planets and galaxies for the last 4 years, searching  for answers wondering what it could be. Hoping to find the only person who could help her figure out what it all could mean. It's been too long. I need to find her. How could she just leave me like that? Knowing how much I needed her, she didn't care about me, never loved me. No one ever loved me. How could she? I'm a monster, a killer filled with this darkness that won't go away. Her mind catapulted into fits of rage, self loathing and sadness.

The memories replayed in her head, her childhood wasn't fun, there were plenty of bad moments but her grandmother loved her and cared deeply for her. Her grandmother made things better when she was sad in deep despair.

The last 4 years simultaneously dragged on and moved fast all at once. She remembered the exact day, the time of the entire conversation, even the smell of that fateful day. The argument replayed in her mind, wishing the outcome and the responses were different, but it ended the same, the one who had cared for her, who taught her, who loved her left her just as easily as everyone else did.

With no one to watch over her and give her advice or proper guidance, she ran with dangerous crowds doing things she never thought she would. Stealing, fighting, lying and screwing with the worst of the worst. Keeping her powers and who she truly was hidden.

After 4 long years, she was desperate to get answers, even if that meant talking to her piece of shit father, who she hadn't seen since she first became a teenager.

Storming into his hut, on the far side of Jakku. She takes her cloak from her face revealing her dark circles under her eyes yet youthful brown skin and deep brown expressive almond shaped eyes that could stare deep into someone's soul.

"Zahir, have you heard from my grandmother?!" She yelled to him, already annoyed with having to be there in the first place.

"It's nice to see you too, Zara." He turns around, furrowing his brow at her.

She cuts her eyes at him, "oh, is it nice to see your daughter after what? 10 years? Yeah, I'm all grown up now.” Sarcasm rolling from her tongue.

Zahir glared at her, “Zara, why would you think I talked to your grandmother?”

“Oh, I don't know…maybe because you are the only other person that has ties to me.”

“I had no idea she would even leave you. She loved you more than anything else in this world. What did you do?”

“Isn't that interesting that you automatically believe I did something wrong. And here I thought it would be a nice reunion and  you would want to catch up with your daughter, your flesh and blood. Wonder what I've been up to, but I guess not. You have never cared, you don't want me to be your flesh and blood. But that's okay I don't give a damn, I gave up on a relationship. You are just a means to an end, Zahir." Exhaling deeply, looking around the small hut.

"I am still your father, don't be disrespectful."

"You stopped being my father a long time ago. My grandmother was the only one who truly cared for me. Now again, have you spoken to her?" Her voice low and annoyed.

He looked down to the ground, ashamed to meet her eyes, feeling guilty for losing so much time with his daughter. "No, I haven't…but maybe I can help you find her."

"No thanks, I haven't needed you in 23 years. I definitely don't need you now." She scoffed at his request.

"Zara…I'm so-"

She held her hands up, interrupting him. "There is nothing you can say right now that will help, so let it go. Let the past die."

"I know I've fucked up Zara. I'm trying here, don't be so damn stubborn!" He shouted and slammed his cup down on the table.

Dark Dyad Series Part 1: Deadly DestiniesWhere stories live. Discover now