Chapter 26- The End of the Beginning, or Beginning of the End?

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Over the next few weeks, Kylo sent out stormtroopers searching for any sign of the 2 Sith Lords, everything was quiet. No one had heard or seen them anywhere in the galaxy which was very strange. He didn't trust it and was on high alert at all times, barely sleeping.

The Resistance had been crushed, none of the survivors had been found. Zara and Kylo traveled back to Exegol wondering if Rey had escaped, she was gone. There were many enemies out there in the shadows just waiting, biding their time making them on edge.

Aside from the looming disaster, they were happy, planning their wedding and ruling together. They continued training in their down time, getting stronger together, Zara even made a few friends.

"I will admit, it's weird being back from the dead." Zara laughed, talking to Meera, an engineer.

"I'm sure, do you have like, nightmares or remember being dead?" She took a long sip of her beer, staring at her cards. They were in the middle of a poker game.

"No, I don't know how all this works but I'm glad I don't remember." She shrugs her shoulders, placing her hand down. "I'm out."

"Ha Zara you suck at poker." FN-2199 or known as Draper laughed, a stormtrooper now a friend.

"Oh be quiet, Draper. This is boring. I've never liked poker."

"Because you suck." He puts his cards down, winning the hand again. Zara rolls her eyes at him.

Meera groans in frustration, "damnit Draper. I'm tired of you winning. I'm done. Anyway, the wedding is tomorrow. Are you excited?"

"Excited yes, nervous also yes. I just have this feeling that something may happen."

"Zara, don't worry. We will all be there. And you two are super powerful. What could possibly happen?"

"I don't know and that's what worries me."

"Well, try to push it out of your mind, enjoy the day. You only get married once. Come on Draper, let her get some rest."

"Yeah, Kylo should be here soon."

"See you tomorrow." Meera hugged her friend, dragging Draper out.

A few minutes pass, the door hisses open and Kylo walks in. Hands bloody.

"What the fuck?! Are you okay?"

"It's not mine."

"Kylo...what happened?" She grabbed a towel to clean his hands.

Before he explains, he stumbles, lifting up his shirt showing a deep wound in his stomach. "This is mine."

"Oh my Gods! Sit down!" She forces him on the chair, she calls to a droid to bring supplies. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I've been stabbed a lot, it doesn't even hurt anymore." He scoffs and coughs up blood.

"Oh no, that's not good. Love please don't joke."

"Don't worry Zara, I'm fine." The droid comes in and starts cleaning and dressing the wound. "See. It's not that serious."

"We should call off the wedding."

"Hell no! I'm okay."

"Okay, so what happened?"

"I traveled to the outer rim, came across 2 Resistance survivors. We fought, they're dead, nothing serious."


"It wasn't anyone you knew. Unfamiliar faces that knew me and came after me."

"Are you telling me everything?"

Dark Dyad Series Part 1: Deadly DestiniesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz