Chapter 6- Under My Skin

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°Inspired by this song from an old show called Instant Star.°


The doors hiss open, Kylo stomps in his quarters coming back from an emergency in the early hours of the morning. Slamming his mask on the desk, the frustration and anger pouring from him. Zara stares at him from across the room, but doesn't make a sound. 

"Everyone is so fuckin’ incompetent!" He growled, slamming his hand on the desk. Then glares in her direction, "why are you staring at me? I'm in no mood for the sass Zara.” 

"Uhh I…well you came in here all loud waking me up!" She smacked her teeth. 

“You're in my quarters. I can be loud whenever I decide.”

“You sound like a child.” Turning her nose at him. 

“And you act like one. Scowling at me all the time, yes I have noticed. You are well fed, my quarters are nice and spacious, a nice bathroom and shower. Why do you continue acting like such an entitled brat?”

“Excuse me?! An entitled brat?! Oh I'm sorry do you want me to kiss your feet and thank you? I am your damn prisoner! Why are you so damn dense?!” 

Holding his hand out, he gripped her body pulling her out of the bed. When she was in his reach, his gloved hand grabbed her throat slamming her back on the desk. “That mouth of yours continues to be a nuisance, Zara.” 

Her legs thrashed wildly as she tried desperately to get free, caught off guard by this sudden attack. “Please…I'm sorry.” She choked out.

He could feel her fear take over his mind, letting her go quickly. "I…apologize. It's been a long night." He takes off his cowl and cloak, laying it on the chair in front of the desk. 

Moving away from him, she stayed quiet. 

“Zara…I'm sorry…” 

“I…I can't do this…my mind is splitting. One minute you're angry, next you apologize and actually seem sincere. This situation is already difficult, pick a damn side and stick to it."

“Take your own advice.” 

Rolling her eyes, she pulled the covers back to get back in bed, then stopped. “These are your quarters but you haven't slept here since I've been here.”

"It's fine, my duties never end and I don't sleep." 

"Are you sure? This is your bed, it's too big for me. Maybe I can have my own quarters, I feel like I'm imposing…"

"No, don't be ridiculous. You are my…guest.  No one would dare entering my quarters, so this is the safest place you can be."

"What you really mean is, where you can keep tabs on me making sure I can't escape."

"We're on that again?"

"So you expect me to be okay with this? To just tralalalala on with my day. Seriously? Be realistic Kylo. Oh and you aren't making your argument any stronger but still continuing to keep me in here."

"You are right. Fine, put on your boots, you deserve a tour and to get some food. No escape plans right?” 

She gave a huge grin, it's been some time since she's seen lights or anything else other than his quarters. It wasn't too bad, they were big, spacious and smelled divine like sandalwood but it was so dark and dreary, she craved different scenery to cheer herself up.  

He put his mask on and they walked out of his quarters. She had a pretty small frame compared to his, hard to keep up, having to walk briskly alongside his big strides. 

Dark Dyad Series Part 1: Deadly DestiniesWhere stories live. Discover now