Chapter 16- Shattered Bond

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Zara had never felt so alone in her life. No one to talk to, to turn to when she needed someone most. It had been days since he'd left her. She didn't eat or even get out of bed, just sat rotting away too weak and tired to do much of anything. Hating him and loving him in the same breath.

Deciding to close herself off from the Force after Kylo left, was the first thing she did. Couldn't bear to feel his emotions, or hear his thoughts, or see his face knowing it would hurt too damn much.

Sitting up in bed staring at the stars, wondering if Kylo was doing the same, wondering if he missed her, wondering if he hated himself for leaving her. Adamantly in her thoughts, she couldn't stop herself, she closed her eyes, holding her hand out, extending her mind and opening back up. It washed over her, the feeling of it replenished her mind like it had never left her body. She missed the feeling.

Kylo marched down the hallway, his heavy boots thud with each step, something catches his attention. He felt that familiar presence, that tug on his soul, that he hadn't felt since he'd left her. Spinning around, he sees her sitting on the bed, eyes blood-shot red and puffy but still the most beautiful creature he's seen.

"You opened your mind back out to me." He said with the monotone voice from his mask. Their voices echoing during their bond connections, like in a vivid dream.

She instantly regretted opening back up to the Force, of course connecting them would the first thing that happened. He stood completely still as she inhaled deeply, trying to figure out what she was going to say. "I opened back up to the Force, not to you. I don't want to see you…ever.”

Ignoring her disdained response, "Gods, you are breathtaking."

Tears formed in her eyes, but she had to remain strong not letting them fall, "you have a new mask. Looks like you have taken to your new position well."

He paused briefly before speaking. "Yes, it's indestructible now, but I don't want to discuss that. My Little Rose I..."

She interrupted him, "you are not entitled to that name anymore."

Before he could respond, Hux appeared and the connection was lost. He sucked in a deep breath, furious that he interrupted. "What do you want, General?!"

"I have their location, but Sir, attacking head on wouldn't be wise. We should..."

His hand instantly flew out, making Hux hover in the air as his Force grip choked him. "I am growing tired of you. You have not given me any credible intel and have also informed the Resistance that I returned. Tell me, General, why are you still breathing?"

"I...I didn't inform them, I swear Sir. News of your return spread fast. You want the scavenger right? I can try to get General Leia to send her on a mission so you can get her alone."

Kylo sighed, "aren't you a slippery rat that knows exactly what to say to slip out of the grasps of death. Fine, report to me when it's done." He turned dramatically with his cloak flowing behind him as he strolled to his quarters.

Hurrying to take off his mask, he placed it on the desk, desperately trying to calm his mind to see her again. To hear her voice again. He sat on his bed, closing his eyes, meditating, envisioning her. The Force hummed around him, but he couldn't feel her or see her. The connection wasn't there.

Pacing back and forth, Kylo felt his sanity slipping. She looked distraught, tired, and exhausted, he was to blame.

What would saying sorry do? It won't take away her heartbreak you stupid fool. But I just…I need to see her again…just…one last time…

He pleaded to himself, holding the chain tightly in his hands. Kylo sat back down to mediate for two hours before giving up.

Zara felt the blinding anger rising in her chest, the audacity of him calling her that nickname again, seeing him with that stupid mask. She screamed, grabbing her saber, needing to release the aggression. Heading outside, she starts swinging wildly, taking out her frustration and anger on anything in her path. Breathing heavily, she stopped, examining the aftermath. She cut down 2 trees and put many scorch marks on the ground. After all of the rage left her body, she finally decided it was time to let go, take care of herself and go shower.

Dark Dyad Series Part 1: Deadly DestiniesWhere stories live. Discover now