Chapter 9- A Child With a Mask

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Zara refused to pick a side, therefore he moved her to her own quarters. Punishing her by taking her saber and placing Force dulling cuffs on her wrists while she sat in solitude.

Kylo grew frustrated with her stubbornness, visiting her that night. "Why do you continue to torture yourself, Zara? You want to take my hand and be by my side, why do you refuse?!" His voice was dark, angry at her constant rejections.

"I thought you put me in solitary confinement, warden. It's only been…hmm let's see…twenty-four hours.” Sarcasm oozing from her.

“You think this is the best time for your impudence?”

“Yeah, I do. It's the perfect time.”

“So damn stubborn!” Slamming his hand on the desk, startling her.

“That! That is why I refuse you Kylo. Your temper gets the best of you. I don't want to be on the receiving end when it does.”

“Oh, do you think dealing with you is easy?”

“Oh please! I am a joy compared to you.” Rolling her eyes at his statement.

Trying to grab her wrist, she pulls away from him. “You like this don't you? The chase of it.” He squints his eyes, gazing at her.

“What?! Absolutely not… I don't… this bond seems very…one-sided. Why is there only one option on the table? Why should I be considering the dark for you? Why can't you consider the light for me?"

He bent down in front of her, his mask hisses as he takes it off. "The bond was born in darkness."

"Ugh! Stop saying that! I refuse to believe that. Our bond is us, you and me, not defined in light or dark." She stared at his face, wanting to caress it.

"This pains me seeing you in these cuffs."

"Then take them off of me. Get me to trust you, show me a different side of you Kylo. I know there is a soft, gentle and sweet part of you. I want to be by your side, I do but…I can't. I don't want 'Kylo Ren, apprentice of Supreme Leader Snoke', I simply just want… Kylo."

He looked at her, searching through her thoughts. It was true, she wanted to be by his side, no matter what it could be, light or dark. “I…It has been years since Ive known true kindness, love and closeness. Sometimes, I'm not sure if I'm even capable of such emotions.”

“Do you remember when we were in the forest? Rey was close to striking you down. The way you stared at me, the thoughts you extended to me…that was one of the reasons I stayed. I could feel how much you cared for me, how you had some type of affections for me.”

Kylo sat in silence, hearing her speak, hating how he felt vulnerable and weak. He knew if she were to take his hand right now, he would go to the light with her. That revelation causing his mind to split even more than it was before. The light path was unknown, at least the darkside he knew his place, knowing he wasn't ready to make that type of decision, Kylo undid her cuffs, briskly walking out.


Leia watched Rey from afar, early that morning smiling at her. “Hello Rey, getting along well?”

Her infectious smile warmed Leia’s heart. “Yes, thank you for extending the invitation to stay. I…have been fighting a losing battle believing that my parents were coming back.”

Leia squeezed her hand gently, like a mother giving her daughter emotional support. “It's okay to keep faith and hope alive. Sometimes that's the only thing you can count on to not give up. I wanted to speak to you and Finn, follow me.”

Dark Dyad Series Part 1: Deadly DestiniesWhere stories live. Discover now