Chapter 15- All Hail Supreme Leader Ren

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Kylo examined his chain that Zara had made for him, using old copper and wire. The copper engraved with a Z + K, it was cheesy, but he adored it. His fingers running over the letters, heart hurting as he tried desperately to keep his heartbreak inside.

His mind flashed back to how he left her not too long ago, waking up in the early hours of morning. Before the sun even came up, moving silent and slow as possible to not disturb her. Placing one last kiss on her forehead, drinking in her face, her scent for the last time. If she had awoken, he would've changed his mind staying with her forever, but she didn't. A small part of him wished she had, but knew leaving was for the best. Mind traveling to Zara, how devastated and heartbroken she'll feel. The more he thought of the pain once she realized he left her, the tears finally fell. 

I hope you'll forgive me…one day. I'll come find you but until that day, it's best this way. He wiped his face, pushing down his emotions, thinking this route was the best one. He put the necklace under his robes, close to his heart but out of sight.

Following the last known coordinates of the First Order's location, he glanced down at his saber on its hilt ready for the fight.

Ah yes, you made the right choice, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. Come back to us. A voice echoed in Kylo's mind.

"Vicrul, reveal yourself or are you scared?" A dark chuckle eluding from him, he replied outloud.

Despite what you think Ren, no one is scared. We had respect for you but that respect is no longer there.

"Then let's get this shit over with."

As Kylo entered into the next system known to be on the side of the First Order. He wondered what all had happened since he'd gone. What battles were fought, who won, who lost and who had fallen. His thoughts were interrupted by alarms going off. His ship had already been detected, he felt their presence and they felt his.

The ship attached to his transport ship, which didn't have any defense systems built so he was just a sitting duck. The hatch opened, Kylo held his saber in his hand ready to bring it to life.

"So how will we do this?" Kylo stared him down, ready for any sudden movements.

Vicrul ignored him, "we were alerted as soon as this transport entered into the system. The mouse actually took the bait."

Kylo looked at him as the rest of the Knights stepped on the transport. "So who will it be first? Ushar or Kuruk? You both have wanted to be rid of me for a long time."

"We were instructed to bring you in, unharmed. But please, make a move Kylo, we want you too." Trudgen threatened.

"No, it's fine. No fight from me...yet." He gave a confident smirk, holding out his hands. They put Force dulling cuffs on him, taking his saber, then took him aboard their ship, the Night Buzzard.

The ride was quiet, it didn't take long to get to the Steadfast. It looked the same, like he'd never left. Marching towards the command center, the Knights standing around Kylo, keeping close attention to any sudden movements.

Hux turned around to face them, his face twisted in disgust. "the Knights of Ren and it's leader. I'm surprised to see your face Ren. But you just couldn't stay away could you?"

"You aren't happy to see me Hux?, my feelings are hurt. So obviously you weren't expecting to see me, then why am I here?" Kylo diverts his eyes over to Vicrul.

"He's come to take over as Supreme Leader, because you Armitage Hux are not worthy of the are the spy and for that you will be sentenced to death!" General Pryde walks in, blaster pointed towards Hux.

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