Chapter 20- Hidden World of the Sith

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'Ben', faint whispers in the long vast galaxy caused Kylo to stop all the commotion in the Night Buzzard to fully hear what he swore he heard. Then he felt a presence he hadn't felt in a long while, how was she still alive? She called out to him, he reluctantly reached out seeing her face one last time. The wooden saber he whittled when he was 7, clutched in her hand. She loved how much he looked up to his Uncle Luke and wanted to be a Jedi just like him. Then in a flash, the vision and presence was gone. Kylo tried to steady his breathing. He didn't want his heart to shatter again. It would be too much heartache to bear right now. How could this have happened? Was it because he killed the scavenger?

Cardo interrupted his thoughts. "We are reaching Mustafar now."

"Okay, good." Kylo didn't bother looking at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, genuinely curious.

"Fine, just preparing for whatever may happen." He grabbed his saber and placed it on it's hilt, approaching the planet again. Trying not to revisit the events of his love dying. I need to focus. Focus Kylo. Stay focused. He repeatedly mouthed to himself to get him ready.

The Knights stepped off the ship, Kylo behind them, wary still wondering if they are setting him up.

"The wayfinder is buried in the structure there." Vicrul pointed towards the southeast at a structure a small hike away.

"Before we go, how do you know all this? How do you know where it's buried?"

"Kylo we have been everywhere, taken all types of different jobs. Do you think we don't know anything because we are lowlife mercenaries?"

"That's not what I said."

"But that's exactly what the fuck you meant! You think we are dumb and naive to the world that came before us. We have discovered and uncovered things that tons of people don't know or couldn't even begin to understand!" Vicrul yelled at him.

"Lower your fuckin voice." Kylo grit his teeth.

"We do not trick people, if we wanted to kill you, we would've already done so." Ap'Lek stepped in the middle of the two men.

"You would've tried." Kylo scoffed at the statement.

"Look, we gonna stand here bickering like bitches all day or we gonna get to this mission?" Trudgen rolled his eyes as he started walking towards the structure. The other men followed suit.

They reached the structure and walked inside, weapons ready. It was quiet, all that was heard was the footsteps of the men. Kuruk and Cardo started looking under the rubble and pieces of the fallen structure. Ap'Lek and Trudgen walked further, it became darker and harder to see.

Kylo activated his saber to light the way. He held out his hand, feeling the vibrations humming in the room, something was leading him exactly where it was. There was a huge piece of concrete in front of a door, he threw it across the room then tore through the door with his saber. The room remained intact, untouched like something was protecting it. All that stood was a gray sculpt with ancient markings on the top.

Looking around at the men, Kylo cautiously pushes the top, which was pretty heavy, slowly to open and unveiled a glowing green pyramid. It was the wayfinder, they had found it. "Looks like we're heading to Exegol."

Poe ran out chasing after Finn, he was on a mission, with saber in hand about to board an X wing. He grabbed his shoulders and spun him around.

"Finn! Stop! You don't even know where he is!"

"I have a good idea. Don't try to stop me either. He needs to die!"

"I order you as the General of the Resistance to stay here!"

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