Chapter 17- Dying 4 Your Love

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Kylo sat there for a bit trying to reconnect, but he couldn't feel her presence. She had closed herself off from him, again.

"She is nothing more but a distraction and will keep you from becoming your true self."

"You will not speak to me about her. What is it that you want Vicrul? You refuse to leave me alone now that you've mastered your abilities." Kylo stood up pushing his emotions down and looking cold.

"You are still not ready to fully accept and be who you are destined to be."

"What is your true motive here Vic? I am nobody's puppet. I do not care for games."

"The Vergence Scatter, you are very familiar with the Jedi ancient texts and also the dark side of the Force. We are trying to find the portal and gain access."

"It was destroyed years ago. It doesn't exist anymore."

"There's voices that bombard my head that state otherwise. After we help you kill the scavenger, you will help us find this portal."

Before Kylo could reply, Vicrul's voice disappeared. He sighed deeply, running his hands through his black locks. Angry with himself that he got pulled back in so easily, but he couldn't turn back now.

The sun peaked through, shining on Zara's tear stricken face causing her to wake up. She looked around the room and decided to go warn Rey. With her determined will, she got up and started packing her things. Yes, she didn't really know her or the others from the Resistance too well, but she didn't want her to die either. She grabbed a few things, including her saber and headed to the village to get information and possibly commandeer a ship.

She walked up to a woman that had a copper, iron jewelry shop, that's where she traded a few things to get materials to make necklaces for her and Kylo. He had Z+K, she had K+Z around her neck. "Morning Milana, I need some vital information."

"Hello Rose, where's the tree?" That was her nickname for Kylo because he was so tall and massive.

"Umm...he needed to leave, he had some business with family. Do you know where can I get a ship?"

"Well, uhh there isn't many around here. You would have to go to the main village to the South. But you would need something of great value to trade."

"Okay, thank you Milana."

"You leaving?"

"Yes, to meet up with Ky, just needed to pack up things and grab stuff that he left."

"Ohh okay, I hope you two come back. Tell Tree I said hello and we miss his singing around here, it's gotten pretty dull." Zara gave her a smile and nod as she took off running. She didn't have time to waste.

The main village was a bit far, she was tired by the time she got there, but she made it. There was someone who had a ship, it wasn't a battleship, a small old ship that probably transported spices.

"Hello, I would like to get this ship."

The alien stared at her like she was crazy. "What do you have to trade, little lady?" He raised his brow.

She extended her Force powers, "you will give me this ship, also if you have any information regarding the Resistance and their location, you will tell me that too."

"Of course, you can have the ship, little lady. Unfortunately, I do not have any information about the Resistance."

"Thank you! Now go away." She said, he walked away and she got on the ship. Piloting different ships was like riding a bike just had to find the controls, get familiarized and off you go.

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