Chapter 7- Snuffing Out the Light

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Han, Chewie, and Rey board the Falcon to go on their mission to destroy Starkiller base and rescue Zara. Finn strolls out last, towards the Falcon. He feels something pulling him in a different direction. A low hum in his ear, he looks around puzzled. That small creature stood, smiling at him.

Finn stares back at her, feeling a bit intimidated by the encounter. "Uh...hello?" All he managed to say.

"How interesting, so very interesting. Do you feel that?" She puts a closer lense on her goggles to get an even deeper look at him.

"Feel what?" His eyes searched around,  bewildered.

"Ah you do, it's buzzing around you. Have you ever felt it before?”

“I have no idea what you're talking about.”

“Hmm…so interesting. Trust your instincts and tap into your power.” As Finn was about to question her, Rey called to him saying it was time to go. He turned back around to the mysterious small creature, now holding a saber in her hand. "I was called here. Even though this saber called to her, it put you on this path that you were destined to walk. Take this, use it when the time comes, you will know. You both need to be ready for what's to come." She handed it to him and closed his fists around the hilt then walked off with a quickness. He put it in his jacket and got on the Falcon.

Poe, Rose, and a few other X wing pilots boarded their ships to get ready to go help fight, once the defense systems were down.


Abruptly pulled from hyperspeed, the Falcon jolts, needing to fly low in order to not be detected. Han grinds his teeth, gripping hard on the controls, trying hard to make sure they don't fly straight into the rocky, jagged mountain terrain. Hitting the white, tall snow covered trees, they all brace for impact and a rough landing. The Falcon finally comes to a halt, close to going off the edge of a cliff.

Han approached Rey as the others prepared for the battle ahead. “Hey kid,  you got a minute?”

“Yeah?” She turned her gaze towards him,  putting on a jacket, asking herself with her bo-staff and a blaster.

“I know you can handle yourself, but it may get a little hairy in there if you know what I mean. You sure you want to go?”

“Yes…I do.”

“Okay, that's all I needed to hear, let's do this. I'll watch your back.” Giving her a grin. Chewie came up behind Han growling in Wookie.

“Aw Chewie, thanks. I got your back too.” Rey squeezed his huge furry hand.

“Way to come in and steal my thunder you big ape.” Han sneered at him. Chewie pushed him growling in an angry tone.  “Yes i know wookies aren't apes, it was a figure of speech!” They continue going back and forth. “Alright! Alright! We gotta go, come on.”

They stealthily advanced to the huge structure. The large red flag of the First Order still hung high. Finn signaled for them to follow around to the other side.

"The tunnels over that bridge, we'll get in that way." Finn says, turning towards Han.

"What was your job when you were based here?" Han asked, curious.

"Sanitation." Finn replied confidently.

Han pulled his shirt back and looked at him angrily, "Sanitation? How do you know how to disable the shields?"

"I don't. I'm just here to get Zara."

"People are counting on us. The galaxy is counting on us."

"Look, we can figure it out, how hard can it be?" Rey chimed in, trying to be optimistic. Chewie looked at her and shook his head.

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