Chapter 8- Vader's Shadow of Darkness

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Rey painfully stared down at Finn, grasping his hand tight as he laid unconscious. The Millenium Falcon whirled through deep space, flying as fast as they could to get away. BB8 sat by Rey, silent as her tears dropped silently from her cheeks.

“Oh…BB8…so much has happened in such a short time. What did I get myself into?” He sadly beeped at her. “I'm glad I found you too.” She places her hand on his head. “The weapon was destroyed, but how could Zara stay with him? He's a monster! A cold blooded killer. How could he…kill his own father? I don't want to consider her an enemy but…I just don't see how she stayed.”

Walking to the cockpit, Chewie kept his eyesight forward. His enormous, furry hands tightly gripped the wheel.

She noticed his tense demeanor, gently placing her hand on his arm. “I'm so sorry about Han.” His sad low growl was the only sound he made. He couldn't talk or even think about it, needed to focus on getting back.

The Falcon and the pilots of the X Wings arrive safely back to the Resistance base. Poe and a few other Resistance fighters took Finn to the med bay. Chewie staggered off the ship, eyes searching for her. Leia stood there, a pained smile on her face, already knowing the news he had to share. His outstretched arms engulfed her as they cried together.

Rey stood back, heart hurting for them, feeling the same anguish but not the same closeness, that was a different pain. She never had family or comradery, craving the type of relationships they had with one another.

Poe grabbed her shoulder, “hey, you okay?”

“Uh…yeah…sure. As okay as I can be. She shrugged.

“We got Finn situated, I know you want to visit him. He would love that.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, definitely, come on.”

Finn lays unconscious, completely motionless in the bed wrapped in bandages around his torso. Poe and Rey walk in with solemn looks on their faces. Rey sits down next to him, giving him a kiss on the forehead. Poe puts his hand on his leg.

“We need you buddy,” Poe whispered. In such a short time, their brotherhood has grown, exponentially.

“Don’t leave us,” Rey looked at him with tears in her eyes.


Kylo was transported to the Finalizer's medbay, to be checked out for the injuries he sustained. He was yelling and fighting them the entire time. The doctor and 2 nurses were trying to get him down. 2 doctors and 2 nurses held him down as he fought, yelled, and thrashed.

“Kylo, they're trying to help you! Let them work on you.” She grabbed him forcefully by the hand. He stopped, glancing over at her. Calm down please. Speaking to him through her thoughts, emulating tranquil and peaceful energy. 

He instantly felt a wave of calmness and peace fall over him. The pain was unbearable, they gave him some meds for the pain. He fell asleep a short time after.
Zara watched him for a brief moment, how different he looked sleeping. She tried not to smile, but he had such calmness to his face. Stretching out, she groaned her body sore and tired from the fight. He would be resting for a while, so she decided to go take a long shower and rest herself. Walking out, she ran straight into Hux.

He sized her up, scrunching up his nose at her, “you again.”

“Sorry…I swear I'm not deliberately trying to run into you.” She stepped back, not sure of how this interaction would go.

“Yet, you continue to do so. So very clumsy you are. Also, I am General Armitage Hux, you are to address me as Sir or General. I will need to speak with Supreme Leader Snoke as to what to do with you, while Kylo Ren is recuperating. You are a part of the First Order now, you will need to learn the proper ways to address your superior officers and also be useful. If we cannot find use for you, then there is no use for you.” He turned to the stormtrooper guarding the door, “Take her to Kylo Ren’s quarters. I'm sure that's where he would want in the meantime until I find something more… suitable for her.” Then he turned and walked off.

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