Chapter 14- Broken

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•Inspired by the song by Seether ft  Amy Lee•

She’s so beautiful, the way her chest rises and falls so subtly while she sleeps, small smiles and giggles escape her lips. Her fingers somehow found their way to play in my hair. How truly at peace she was laying on my chest. I love waking up to her and our simple life everyday. Some days and nights, I lie awake at night feeling the darkness trying to rise back up. It scares me at how much it stirs in my head, in my thoughts, in my feelings. These thoughts scream at me to go back and take my rightful place as the new Supreme Leader, but I left all that behind. I fled to not be Kylo Ren or even Ben Solo, just existing with her. It doesn't matter who I am, I left it all to be with her

“Good morning love, are you okay?” Zara woke up, smiling up at him. 

He gave her a smile back, rubbing his hand on her cheek. “I’m okay.”

She sat up, gave him a more stern stare, “you know I can sense the bullshit. So what's up?”

“It's been six months, I’m happy to just be with you, but I…” He looks down.

“You feel the darkness inside bubbling up trying to rise? I understand I feel it too, I feel the pull to the dark and honestly I’m tired of it. Feeling like I’m the Force’s puppet. You and I both decided to leave, to lead an ordinary life. We both knew it wouldn't be easy. Kylo…I mean…ugh the name thing takes time to get used to.”

“I don't mind you calling me Kylo, I actually like that better than Ben.” He smiled, “but people may be looking for us, on either side so we have to get used to our code names at least when we are out.”

“Yes, that's true. Rose and Ky, how fitting for us.” He shook his head at her in agreement. She continued, “also, It has been six months like you said, why would anyone still be looking for us? Well, maybe you, not me.” She gave him a cheeky grin.

He playfully rolled his eyes. “You’re associated with me now too sweetheart. So if they’re looking for me, they will be looking for you.” An uncomfortable silence rose between them at the revelation of that statement. He moves in, placing a kiss on her lips, then gets up. 

“Love, do you regret this? I can hear your thoughts…they're all over the place.”

“I see why everyone hated that so much. Am I conflicted? Yes. Do I regret this? No. I spent years training being conditioned and manipulated by Snoke. Then before that, betrayed by my own Uncle, as a young kid left by my parents. You know my tragic story, I don't know what peace looks like. It's going to take a while for me to relax and let go.”

“I know, I’m here to help you in whatever way you need.” She walks over to him and wraps her short arms around his waist. He twists around, peering down at her. 

“You being you is enough. The first moment I saw you, you pulled me in and I never wanted to leave your side.” He kissed her forehead.

"Why don't we close ourselves off from the Force? It may make it easier." 

"Maybe…or maybe that will make us more vulnerable and open, susceptible to an attack. Not knowing what enemy will be coming. No, absolutely not."

"Kylo, you haven't even considered it. Just think about it okay? You won't be so tormented if you close yourself off." She walked to the kitchen. 

He sighed deeply, “fine, I'll think about it. I’m going to head to the village, do you want to accompany me?”

“I’ll stay, make us something to eat.” 

“Okay, I’ll be back soon, Little Rose.”

“Okay Love.” He puts on a sweater and heads to the village with the shops. 

Dark Dyad Series Part 1: Deadly DestiniesWhere stories live. Discover now