Irina's Interrogation

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The wounded Russian soldier kept her head down, as she was sitting up in her bed. Her wound hurt a lot, but she had to sit up for a bit. Everything flashed through her mind, escorting a very important family to a nearby safe zone where the threat was beyond low. Only threat was the Americans but they rarely stepped out of their zones, something of turmoil happening within their organization. She paid little attention as she kept her watch, thinking of her little sister and her father. She disowned herself rather quickly as her father became the current president and her little sister stayed loyal to her father.

She shook her head and groaned as the ride was extremely boring, it was another escort mission. This family was important to Makarov somehow and some way but she didn't bother to ask questions. She just decided to keep her head down and keep following orders, it was the best way to survive in this type of environment. That was until the explosion rocked the Earth and the vehicle in front of her was annihilated. Next thing she knew, she was out in the open running with the family to escape the advancing enemy which she couldn't identify.

"Irina! Get the family up the hill now!" Her boss barked at her before a round struck him in the neck. She quickly grunted and grabbed the son's hand and dragged her up the hill as the family quickly scrambled to follow. She turned her head to look behind her as she saw a soldier in black rushing up the hill, following close behind with his weapon raised at her and the family. She turned her head back in front of her and began to sprint as she continued to drag the child before finally gunshots rang out in front of the group. She slowed down as pain seared over her body as she attempted to move forward until she fell to the ground.

"This... is how I go..." She panted as the soldier in black stepped over the group and movement on the hill ridge above her stood up. There was no surviving the ambush as a tear fell from her eye. She wanted to get married, wanted to have children, and wanted to settle down and enjoy her life. She closed her eyes, only to cough and groan as she weakly opened her eyes. She had to survive and escape, she wanted to complete her desires and dreams! She rolled over and attempted to crawl away until her hand grabbed someone's boot. She gasped and glanced up, it was a female soldier standing over her and she knelt down, grabbing Irina's straps and flipped her onto her back.

"No, I have to survive!" She panted as she started to struggle to escape until one of the soldiers in black looked at her and knelt down.

"Shh, you'll be okay. She's a medic." He spoke to her, his Russian flawless as he nodded to her. She'll live? She blinked as she was brought back to the present day. She did indeed live. She scanned the room, seeing all the medical equipment hooked up to her. It wasn't a top notch hospital, but it would work. Of course her captors came and she refused to talk, even to a man she recognized; Yuri. Everyone in Makarov's mercenary force recognized him and heard what happened, he was dead after the Airport Massacre.

"I'm sorry... I refuse to talk to anyone except for the other soldier who spoke Russian." Irina glared at every soldier, including their medic who attempted to communicate with her. Eventually Yuri translated what she kept saying.

The door opened as she lifted her tired eyes to see what was going on. A soldier in black stepped in, speaking in English. "You wanted to see me?"

Irina shook her head, the man obviously didn't speak Russian as the man stepped by her bed and pulled a chair next to her, sitting down. "If you don't speak to me, you have no use to us."

Irina opened her mouth, speaking her words again. "I refuse to talk to anyone except the soldier who replied to me in Russian!"

The soldier replied without hesitation in English. "I know." Irina snapped her head to the soldier, did he actually understand her?

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