Gone (alternate ending)

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I grunted, straining to keep my head up. Aiqaz had their foot pinned to my neck, making it difficult to breathe or talk. I went to flap my wings before remembering I didn't have any. Right, I'd forgotten it was Tango's body I was controlling. I didn't have long. I wasn't sure how long I could hold back Tango, and surely Aiqaz was fighting me. I glanced up, realising Bdubs was stood next to me.

Whatever happens, I can't let Bdubs die, I thought furiously, it's my fault, so I have to fix it, or Etho will never forgive me.

"Oh Pearl" Ren looked down at me, his hand gripping the handle of his axe, "I meant to hurt everyone but you".

"Ren, I know you're better than this" I pleaded, "I know you can change".

"You were never really by my side, were you?" Ren raised his eyebrow, "you just thought you could change me, so you stuck by me".

"Fine, I'll admit it" I sighed, "but I truly had your best interests at heart. It's not my fault you manipulated me into thinking we were friends".

"We were friends" Ren said softly, "would I ever-"

"No, Ren stop" I said firmly, "don't try your mind games with me. It's over".

"Very well then" Ren straightened up, hoisting the axe over his shoulder, "it didn't need to be like this".

"And it doesn't have to be" I snarled, "take that axe, cut off Aiqaz's head and we can figure it out". I saw Ren's eyes dart towards Aiqaz, a brief look of consideration passing through them.

"Rendog wouldn't dare" Aiqaz laughed, "he's too far off the deep end to change now. He's insane".

"Hmm" Ren murmured, "no, none of you will ever forgive me. You'll just kill me".

"I'll forgive you!" I cried, tears spilling from my eyes, "I don't care, I'll find a way! Just please..."

"I'll forgive you too" Martyn added, "I never wanted this to be like this". Unsurprisingly, no one else said agreed with us. But no one said anything against it. I figured they must know this might be our only chance.

"Rendog, would you really turn back when you're so close to achieving everything you ever dreamed?" Aiqaz frowned, "it would be a shame".

"You're right" Ren said coldly, "this is everything I even wanted. I will not run away when the prize is so close".

"I knew you were smart" Aiqaz smiled, "now kill her".

"With pleasure" Ren snarled. I gazed up in fear and sadness as Ren raised the axe high above his head. He was really going to kill me, after everything we went through. The betrayal hurt more than the axe did when it struck my head, killing me instantly.

And just like that, I was gone. Never again would I smile or laugh with my friends, or work on fun new projects, or fly higher in the sky than I'd ever dreamed. No, that was all over.

Because I was dead.


"Pearl!" I cried out. I watched with nothing but pure shock and dread as Ren murdered her in cold blood.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" I heard Impulse whisper, "oh my god". My eyes were wide as Tango's face was rendered unrecognisable from the giant hole left by the axe. I had to look away to prevent myself from vomiting. Ren hadn't just killed Pearl, he'd also killed Tango.

"I thought I wanted her to die..." Etho whispered, "but not like this...".

"I can't hear Tango either" Etho gasped, "he killed him..." Ren merely stepped over her body, giving her head a harsh kick. It lulled to the side in a disjointed way, as though her neck was broken. He let out a laugh.

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