Kick off to summer party!

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You arrive to Tolkien's house and know it's going to be crowded judging on how many cars there are. You walk inside and get greeted by Tolkien "hey guys what's up! Thanks for coming! " everyone says hi to him and starts to walk in. You take a look around and see people smoking a bong, people drinking, people passed out, people playing drinking game, people hooking up. Music blasts as you try to comprehend everything going on! "LETS GO GET DRINKS" red yells over the music. All the girls hold hands and walk to the kitchen and get some drinks. Everyone starts off with a shot which tasted like straight hand sanitizer. red makes everyone a little fruity drink in there red solo cup but don't be fooled by the good tasting drink it still had a shit ton of alcohol in it! Red is the best bartender she makes good drinks that do the job. "Do you guys want to go swimming?" Wendy says. All the girls agree and push past the crowd to get outside into the backyard. You see Kenny all ready found the people smoking joints. You guys find a table to put all of your stuff and start to get undressed. I hate that awkward feeling of taking off your cover up it feels so wrong like everyone was starting even though nobody was.

Kyles pov

I was totally staring at y/n. But how could I not when she is so cute. I was in the backyard playing cup pong and flip cup with tweek, Craig, Clyde, jimmy, and tolken when I see y/n and the girls come outside into the backyard. She takes off her cover up and I can't look away. I feel guilty cause she is my best friends twin sister but from her looks to her personality she was irresistible. "Hey do you guys want to go swimming?" Clyde asked. some boys said yes and some said no but I was in the group that said yes so before I knew it I was in my swim trunks.

Back to y/n pov
The girls all sit on the side of the pool before going in. You look around trying to take in your surroundings just incause you decide to drink more you like to have a understanding of where you are. You see a group of boys and one that catches your eye is Kyle. Kyle does football and basketball so his body is super toned. You were taking in the view before "CANNONBALL!!!" You get splashed with a typhoon of water! Cartmans head resurfaces from the water "CARTMAN YOU GOT US ALL WET" bebe says mad "don't sit by a pool if you don't want to get wet dumbass" he had a point. You push your wet hair behind your ear and look over at bebe who found herself a guy "thanks Clyde" she giggles as Clyde fixes her hair. Bebe goes into the pool and wraps her legs around Clyde so Clyde is carrying her. "Well ladies we have just lost bebe" you say imitating a pilot. Wendy and red laugh at how fast bebe found a guy. The bikini was really working for her. "Hey I'm going to go get another drink" Wendy says standing up "I'll come too" red says "y/n do you want to come?" "No it's ok I'll stay here" "ok be safe" Wendy says before her and red go back inside for more drinks. You sit there still sipping the little drink you had left in your cup when you get approached by Kyle. "Hey shortie" "hey ky! you having fun?" "Ya I just played some cup pong" " did you win?" "Y/n of course I won I'm the cup pong champion" "I highly doubt that" "like you could beat me" "I bet I could" I say confidently "really? Then why don't we have a little 1v1 match" "oh you're on!!!!" "Bet!" You and Kyle laugh and shake hands before getting out of the pool and drying off a little before starting the game. You set up the cups perfectly and check each others to make sure no funny business was going on before playing rock papers scissors to find out who throws first. He won so he throws first. He gets both in the cups and gets balls back. Fuck he's good at this. You start to get worried as he might win. You notice The concentration on his face as he lines up each of his shots and how he would flick his wrist when throwing the ball. A crowd forms around you and Kyles table as you both continue to play. It's neck and neck. "You got it y/n!!!" butters says as the crowd cheers. You have 3 cups left and get in two balls so you only have one cup remaining. look at Kyle and smirk "beat that curly" he rolls his eyes and laughs "really? watch this" he confidently throws his ball and gets them in so he also only has one cup left. You and Kyle stand there at opposite sides of the table holding your breath. It's your turn, you throw your balls but non of them go in... so now it's kyles turn he throws his balls and also misses. This is your chance to take it all. You line up your elbow and take a deep breath before throwing the ball. The ball is in slow motion in the air before falling right into the cup. "boom!!!! Suck it" you look at Kyle and do a little victory dance "good game" he holds out his hand "good game even though I did beat you" you say cocky as you shake his hand. "Do you want to go get drinks?" You ask Kyle "yes please" "let's go" you and Kyle both head inside

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