Drinkers and the drunks

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You and Kyle head inside and go to the kitchen you expected to see Wendy and red there but they must of wondered off. "Ok shortie what do you want to drink" Kyle asks "i don't know, what do you normally drink?" You say cause you're not a big drinker you just drink what people give you "You wouldn't like what I normally drink" "really let me try" he makes this beer, liquor drink and takes a sip of it before looking at you and handing you the cup. You put your lips to the cup and drink it and it tastes horrible, Your face shows it too. "Don't like it?" "You hold the liquid in your mouth and shake your head no" "do you want to spit it out" you shake your head no cause you don't want to be a quitter. You somehow were able to gulp it down. You look at Kyle who is laughing at you. "That's was discussing." You say as he hands you another cup "here try this it might be better" you are hesitant before taking a small sip. You end up liking the drink and drinking it fast to try to get the taste of the other drink out of your mouth. "Ok ok woah woah woah slow down" Kyle says grabbing the cup. "Hey have you seen Stan in a while?" You ask "no I haven't" you both look at each other before a sense of worrying hits. You both walk around looking for him until you open one of the bathroom doors and see him throwing up "Stan!" You say crouching down by the toilet with him rubbing his back. Kyle wants to help but the thought of throwing up makes him want to throw up to he helps from a far. "Are you ok Stan?" He doesn't reply too busy throwing up everything "Kyle can you go get some water?" Kyle nods happy he's able to help. Kyle comes back with some water and you both help Stan get a little more cleaned up. "Im texting the group chat telling them me and Stan are leaving" "wait you guys won't make it home alone" "don't worry Kyle we'll be ok" you try to help Stan up but it is his dead body's weight "here I'll help" Kyle helps you get Stan up to his feet. "See you need me, now let me help my best friend please" you agree and let the group chat know you guys are leaving since that is a rule everyone made when you guys got into high school. You and Kyle both get on the side of Stan and start your journey home which feels like 10X longer when you are holding someone up. You and Kyle stay pretty quiet the whole way home, you guys talk a little and share some joke. You make sure to rub it in a little more that you beat him in cup pong. You make it to your house and quietly open the door so your parents don't hear. They knew you were at a party but they would flip if they found out Stan got drunk. You and Kyle walk Stan upstairs and lay him down in his bed before you and Kyle return to your porch so you can thank him. "Thank you so much for the help! it means a lot!" "Ya no problem!" You and Kyle lock eyes for a moment. His green eyes meet your e/c eyes and you get this feeling "well I'll see you tomorrow!" You say awkwardly wondering if he felt that too "ok bet! Text me and let me how how Stan is doing" "I will" "bye" you both say at the same time. You go inside and change out of your wet bathing suit. You sit on your bed and wonder what that feeling was but came to the conclusion it was the alcohol and went to bed.

My Brothers Super Best Friendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن