The downfall

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You feel dizzy from crying. You lay on your floor and play with the carpet in your hands not having the strength to get up. Your whole life just got ruined in a split second.

Let's reverse a little
*6 hours before*

It's a couple weeks later from the Fourth of July party. cartman is doing a good job keeping you and kyles little secret but it does cost you. He makes you and Kyle be a little servant for him. Getting him snacks, giving him shotgun in the car, making sure his pillows are fluffed before he sits on the couch. It's hard but a small price to pay. The group continued to hang out and continued making this the best summer ever. Now everyone is at stan and I's house trying to figure out what we can do. "Wanna watch a movie?" Bebe says but everyone Denies "want to go on a bike ride?" You ask but everyone shakes there head "it's too hot" Kenny says. "I'm bored we have to do somethingggggg" Stan drags. "Let's bake!" Red says excitedly. Everyone looks around and everyone seems down for the idea so everyone heads to the kitchen to bake. "Ladies and gentleman welcome to the South Park annual bake off where two teams girl vs boys will have to bake and decorate there cupcakes! " everyone looks at Kenny like wtf as he continues "the two teams will get judged based off presentation and taste! The Two teams are" he walks over to the girls holding a wisk as a microphone "the girls team with y/n, Wendy, red, and bebe" he walks over to the boys "and on the boys team stan, cartman, kyle and the most good looking one of them all me" Kenny says as everyone laughs and rolls there eyes. "Kenny you watch way too many cooking shows" you say as everyone laughs. "Let's bake!!!" Wendy says as the girls grab there cupcake mix and start to precisely measure all the ingredients while the boys on the other hand, are just estimating and eyeballing it. The girls have a pretty neat working station while the boys are looking like a hurricane just came through the kitchen with all the broken egg shells and the cupcake mix all over the counter. Once the cupcakes go into the over the girls start trying to plan on how they want to decorate them. "What if we did pandas?" Red says "no that's too many small details" Wendy says "oh what if we write something funny on them?" Bebe says "what would we write?" You ask bebe "I have no idea..." bebe says turning down her own idea "oh what if we did sunflowers?" You say and everyone loves the idea! "YES PERFECT" everyone waits for their cupcakes to come out of the over before decorating them. You wip up yellow frosted for the petals and Wendy starts to bag them and put them on the cupcakes. For the center of the sunflower you put chocolate frosting in the center but it looks like a pile of poop. "The center look bad what do we do?!" Bebe says "we only have 5 more minutes!" Red adds "chocolate chips"  you say "it will look like sunflower seeds and taste good" you add! Everyone agrees "hurry to get them!" You run and go into the pantry and bump into Kyle. " whatch looking for" Kyle says "not telling you this is a competition" you say as you look for the chocolate chips. "Looking for these?" Kyle says. You turn and see him holding the chocolate chips "give me them" you say relieved he found them. "Nope like you said this is a competition" he says putting the chocolate chips on the highest shelf so you can reach.

*Outside of the pantry*

"Y/N HURRY UP" Wendy yells. "YA KYLE YOU TOO! YOU WENT TO GET MARSHMALLOWS AND ARE TAKING FOREVER" Stan yells as he continues to add random shit to his cupcakes "there probably making out again" cartman says

Everyone pauses

"Cartman what do you mean making out again" stan turns to cartman with intensity in his eyes. Before cartman can answer you come out of the pantry with the chocolate chips "I got them" you voice trails off as you see everyone's eyes on you. You're heart sinks. Kyle walks out after you with marshmallows. Stan walks up to kyle "you're hooking up with my sister?" He pushes Kyle "Stan i can explain" Kyle says "oh so it's true?" Stan says interrupting Kyle. "Stan." You say but he cuts you off "y/n stop!" his voice echos as your heart breaks. You back up. "How could you do this to me kyle you're my best friend!" "Stan I wanted to tell you" "WHEN? When we're you going to tell me Kyle" Kyle gets quiet not knowing what to say "when?" Stan says pushing kyle again but a little harder causing him to stumble back "Stan calm down" Kenny says grabbing his arm trying to help calm him down "get off me Kenny!" Stan says shoving Kenny off him. You Stan there frozen in shock crying. Stan looks at you "my best friend, really?" he says in a mean voice "what else was I supposed to do? Every time I start liking someone you chase them away!!!" You say meaner then you meant to "That's cause I don't want you to get hurt" "I can make my own decisions you're not the boss of me" you snap back "really cause every time you make your own decisions you fuck everything up! Look at what you just caused" Stan yells. tears stream down your face as you look around and all your friends are looking at you with blank stares not knowing what to do or what to say. "You're so selfish y/n I'm always looking out for you and.." you stand there sobbing not even able to comprehend what's going on. You and Stan never got into a fight this bad before. You were trying to be selfless and not hurt anyone but now the whole friend group is ruined and it's all your fault. Kyle cuts off stan "Stan stop" Stan turns at kyle "Kyle that day at the arcade I asked you to keep her safe and make sure nothing happened I didn't fucking realize I had to get someone to watch you too" Stan yells storming off to his room slamming the door. "That's why you were at the arcade... you were spying on me?" Your voice breaks "y/n I can explain.." Kyle says. you don't wait for a response you run upstairs tears falling down your cheeks and slam the door and put a chair in front of it making sure nobody can get in. You collapse to the ground feeling Ill with emotions.

*back downstairs*
Bebe and red run upstairs to check on you. "Cartman I'm going to kill you" Kyle says turning to fight cartman "Kyle stop" Wendy yells. Before kyle gets to cartman Kenny grabs him and pulls him to the ground so he can't fight cartman. Cartman stands there quietly obviously very ashamed that he caused this. He didn't mean to but it was an accident. He feels horrible. Kyle struggles in Kenny's arms trying to get up but Kenny is bear hugging him. Kyle keeps trying before just giving up and starts crying while Kenny holds him.

Y/n pov
*a couple hours later*

You feel dizzy from crying. You lay on your floor and play with the carpet in your hands not having the strength to get up. Your whole life just got ruined in a split second.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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