I'm awake

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You didn't sleep much that night. Laying there staring at the ceiling. Replaying moments in your head. You remember everything. How his hand felt on your face and his hand on your back holding you. How his lips felt against yours. You can't stop thinking of it so you do what any girl does and calls her best friend

Call with Wendy

Wendy: y/n it's 2:30am what do you want....

Y/n: me and Kyle kissed.

Wendy: ok I'm awake! WHAT!!!

Y/n: me and Kyle kissed.

Wendy: ya I heard you the first time!!! When did this happen?How?what the fuck! Omg

Y/n: he was telling me how oblivious I am when a boy has a crush on me and I told him to make it more obvious and he kissed me!!!

Wendy: OMG HE LIKES YOU!! Are you guys going to date??

Y/n: we can't date!!!Kyles off limits... Stan's rules

Wendy: fuck stan! you need to prioritize yourself!

Y/n: I can't do that to him!

Wendy: y/n your crush kissed you tonight... you're telling me you didn't like it

Y/n: no I really liked it but I can't-

Wendy: you can. Just Keep it a secret from him for a little

Y/n: I'll try but he's my twin he knows everything

Wendy: obviously not everything he doesn't know that his best friend and twin sister have feelings for each other

Y/n: true. Well goodnight Wendy!

Wendy: goodnight and congratulations on your first kiss!

End of call

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