Chapter 1

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| Anti-romance |

• Eunha •

"Yaaa! Eunha! Let's rest for a while. I think I'm gonna die. No, no, no... I'm already dying here..."

I grinned at my best friend a.k.a my recent workout buddy, Han So Na.

"I thought you wanted to lose weight?" I asked, sitting on the rock I found. We are currently mountain-hiking. I don't even know how high it is but I don't care, I just want to reach the top.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Yes, I know! But... I think I prefer just going to the gym every morning rather than hiking a mountain with you."

I chuckled. "Come on, Sona. You have to do this to lose your unnecessary fats."

She frowned. "Look at how you talk just because you have a great body now."

I grinned. "I mean, you have to work hard to get something you really want... and what you want is a good body, right?"

She sighed and got up. "In the name of my future boyfriend, let's climb to the top of this mountain."

I got up, laughing. Actually, I was very tired too, but we're just halfway through the trail we were following.

It's not my first time doing this. Actually, I've done it a several times before. I did all sort of things to lose weight, to get the body that I have now. I feel good. I feel good that I can wear anything I want now, that I don't receive judgemental glances from people in the streets anymore, that I look good and I feel satisfied whenever I would stand in front of the mirror. Losing weight had done me good.

You wouldn't recognize me now if you've known or seen me years ago.

Sona fell asleep in the cab on our way back to the apartment. We live together and we work together. We're like sisters already even though not by blood.

She, like me back then, is suffering from people's judgements about her weight. Actually, it feels bad. I feel bad for her. She is really pretty in her own way. I don't get how being fat is something bad in front of other people's eyes. Why can't they just think like, "Oh! That person doesn't like starving herself to death so there she is now..."

Been there, done that.
I am determined to help Sona lose some weight, not for other people but for herself, for her healthier self.

She jumped immediately onto the bed when we arrived in the apartment. "I'm hungry..." She mumbled.

"Why don't you eat?"

She sat up immediately. "I can?" She asked, wide-eyed.

I chuckled. "The rule is to eat as much as you want, as long as you work out after that. I mean after an hour, at least."

Her face lit up and she got up to go to the kitchen. I took a quick shower, then I sat in the living room and turned on the TV.

"Bring the drama on!" I heard her shout from the kitchen.

I shook my head. "No way."

"Come on, Eunha, stop being an anti-romance!"

I smiled as she sat beside me with a plate of sandwiches. I took one then I said, "Anti-romance? I didn't know such word exist."

"How did you become a romance writer if you don't even believe in love?" She asked in disbelief.

I shrugged. "Love fictions. I believe in them."

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