Chapter 12

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| Presscon |

• Eunha •

Typing, typing, and typing. I'm almost finished with my new story.

“Yah, Jang Eunha! Are you crying while working?” Sona asked, bewildered.

I looked at her with a blank expression. “Huh?”

“Aigoo! Until when are you gonna keep this up? I'm gonna prepare dinner.” She said walking out of the room.

I wiped off the tears I didn't know were there and saved my work. It is the end. I will submit it to my publisher tomorrow.

“Yaaaaah! Eunhaaaaa! Did you dump someone or did you get dumped by someone?” I heard her ask from the kitchen.

I went to see what she was doing. “What? Will you stop yelling? It hurts my ears!”

“Look at these ice creams you bought! Jeez, can't even put something else in the fridge! And if I stop making a noise, this apartment would be dead because I think you've lost your tongue. Good thing you're talking now.”

I brought my prepared dinner in the sofa and turned on the TV to watch Who Are You: School 2015.

I filled my mouth with rice while my tears keep falling. I wasn't sure if I was crying because of the TV drama or my real-life drama.

Life... it's just sometimes too cruel for some people.

I cried, letting it all out.

“Aren't you over-reacting now?” Sona asked, looking at me and then the TV.

I ignored her and kept crying. She stood up and I thought she would just leave me there, but she came back with a tissue box and handed it to me.

“I know Gong Taekwang is pitiful, but you are more pitiful right now. Fix yourself, Eunha. You made yourself into this.” She said sitting back beside me.

I was gonna stop crying when the drama had a short break and there was a breaking news.

Athlete Lee Minhyuk, will be one of the lucky athletes in Korea to join the football match in Brazil...

Sona turned off the TV, but tears just won't stop rolling down my face. I'm already ashamed of myself. Why do my tears keep going against me?

She gave me a warm embrace and said, “I warned you before this, right? Eunha, you're not someone to play with other people's feelings and I, as your best friend, know that you would just end up hurting yourself. I tried to stop you, but... you were already so... in love.”

“It’s... not anyone's fault but me.” I said sobbing.

“Aigoo, my best friend, crying because of the same guy again.”

I cried even more after she said that.

That night before I sleep, I received a call from an unknown number. Who might be calling me at this hour? I glanced at the wall clock and it's already midnight.

“Hello?” I asked.

I just heard a sigh from the other line.

“Hello? Who is this?” I asked again.

I was about to hang up when I heard a familiar voice said, “I miss you.”

I felt like my heart sank at the moment. I was about to talk but he already hang up. I smiled, tears rolling down my face again. “That's not fair, Lee Minhyuk. I missed you, too.”



“Hurry up, Eunha! Jeez, you'll be late on your d-day!” Sona said, rushing me to the car.

Today I have a press conference. Yes, me. Can you believe that? I finally succeed to make one of my books best-selling.

I also decided to leave the magazine company and focus on writing fiction. Too much for a month only!

“What do you wish for yourself as a romance writer?” The press asked.

I was nervous, but Sona told me to just be myself and everything would turn out okay.

“I wish that... like the stories I write, I would also have my happily ever after someday.” I answered, smiling.

“But your recent book doesn't have a happy ending, right? Can you tell us what is it about?” Another one asked.

Right... my recent book was the reason why these people are here right now. I cleared my throat and tried to find the right words to say.

“Yes, it has a quite... sad ending. It's a very simple story about a girl who changed because the guy she liked in high school rejected her for her bad physical appearance. Then she seeks revenge after a few years and that's it. You'll have to read the book to know the rest!”

“Can you tell us a little bit of the ending that captured a lot of people, especially teenagers?”

I smiled. “The characters both had different lives. The girl, despite knowing the feelings of the guy, didn't want to get him back because... she thinks that's the most selfish thing to do.”

“What exactly is the definition of love to you?”

“My mom told me that love doesn't have any exact definition because we feel it in different ways and I choose to believe that. As a romance writer, I'm afraid, I don't know how to explain to all of you the real definition of love.”

“Have you ever been in love?”

Everyone went quiet as if they've been wanting to dig about my love life. I looked at Sona but she just gave me a supportive smile. A look that says she'll support me no matter what I do or say. I am so lucky to have her.

“Yes. Yes, of course.”

“Do you like going out on dates?” Someone asked, I feel that they weren't satisfied with my previous answer.

I smiled and shook my head. “I... don't know. I used to like it. You know I've been in love twice, but with the same person so I just... liked going on dates with him.”

“You're very gorgeous, Eunha-ssi. Perhaps, are you dating someone right now? Not only your good novels, but also your look is catching people's attention.”

“Thank you! No, I'm not dating anyone right now and I would like to focus on my career as a writer. Also... I would like to be always known for the stories that I write and not for my physical beauty.”

“One more question, what can you say that your story Beautiful Last View will turn into a short film now?”

• •

After the press conference, I feel like I just revealed everything to the world. “I shouldn't have answered some of the questions, right?” I asked Sona.

She chuckled. “You did a good job.”

“Oh, by the way, you said you're meeting Eunkwang, right? I'll drive by myself then.” I said taking the keys from her.

“Will you be fine?”

“Of course, don't worry about me and enjoy your date. Okay?”

Sona, who have lost a lot of weight, has finally reached her goalㅡto find her ideal man which is just so Seo Eunkwang!

The guy is just too nice and sweet! Although I heard he's a friend of... Minhyuk, I still try to be friends with him as long as he doesn't talk much about him. But God knows how much I want to ask about him.

I heard they lost the football match last month. Since that news, I didn't hear anything connected with him anymore.

Bittersweet Revenge: BTOB Minhyuk ✔Where stories live. Discover now