Chapter 8

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| Love Is Just Love |

• Eunha •

The next morning, Sona and I went jogging. She had lost so much weight these past few days, even thought I haven't had much time to guide her. She's doing it on her own.

"Until when are you gonna play your game on him?" She asked, catching her breath.

"I don't know." I answered, drinking from the bottle of water I brought.

"He's getting serious, Eunha. You met his parents? That's something a boy in love would do."

"He isn't in love with me."

"Or maybe that's what you want your mind to think?"

I sat lazily on the ground. "What do you want me to do?"

"Tell him everything. You can't be this cruel, right?"

"And what would I tell him? That I purposely wanted him to fall in love with me for my little revenge?" I sighed and ran my hands on my face. "I'd break his heart."

"Isn't that what you wanted? That is your main goal, in case, you are forgetting. Break Lee Minhyuk's heart, who broke yours a few years ago."

"I will tell him... just... I need more time."

"The longer it takes, the deeper the pain you will both get. Don't tell me I didn't tell you that you would lose this stupid game of yours."

• •

I worked for the rest of the day. Phone's off. I don't want to talk to anyone. I just... want to think.

How do I tell Minhyuk about this?

Or I could just... stop seeing him like nothing happened, but that would be worse.

I decided to visit my parents this afternoon. One hour of travelling with my motorbike isn't so bad. It kind of helped my mind relax.

"Oh my daughter, why don't you just let us buy a car for you instead of that dangerous motorbike?" My mother asked while she opens the gate for me.

They live in the countryside, peacefully and happily. Now that I see it, my parents have always been one of my inspirations to write romantic stories. They've lived and been with each other for so many years but the love I see in their eyes whenever they would look at each other never fades away.

They weren't perfect as a married couple, like the others, they fight, make up, but most importantly... they love.

"What brings you here so suddenly? Did something happen?" Mom asked me when she decided to visit me in my old room.

"Mom... I did... something really wrong... really immature... and I don't know how to make it right."

She wrapped her arms around me and I realized how much I missed her warm embrace, making me feel... much better.

Actually, I can't express how bad and sad I feel. I just... don't know what to do. I feel like the clouds above me are so dark without the light of the stars and the moon. In a few moments, I think it is going to rain on me.

"You know what to do, my daughter. You know what they say that... the right things in life aren't always so easy to do, right?"

I nodded quietly, while I let her caress my hair.

"That is why sometimes we pretend that we don't know what is right because it is, sometimes, hard for us to do it when in fact... we know it too well... we know what is right and what is wrong."

"Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"What is love to you?"

She smiled and looked into my eyes. I looked away as I felt like she could see through me. "I don't think a romance writer should be asking me that?"

I chuckled. "I just... wrote so many definitions of love and now I know why I was never satisfied with them... because they were never enough. They were never enough to express what love really means."

"That is love, Eunha."


"Love is just love. It doesn't have any exact definition because we all feel it in different ways. So, when you find someone who makes you question the real definition of love, someone who just makes you feel it and makes it feel so hard for you to describe it, never let that person go."

Her words went straight to my heart. Sometimes, I just wish I could bring them to Seoul with me, but they would never want to leave this place. This little paradise to them.

"Why? Has my daughter fallen in love? Who is the lucky moron?" My dad asked, seems like he had been listening from the start.

I smiled and hugged him. "He's one unlucky moron, Dad."

"Any guy would be so lucky to have my precious daughter." He says, and I couldn't help but smile remembering that Minhyuk once said quite the same thing to me.

I don't know... I just feel like I don't deserve it. I don't deserve any good guy to be with me.

Bittersweet Revenge: BTOB Minhyuk ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें