Chapter 11

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• Minhyuk •

"I didn't know her name was Jang Eunha! How many Eunhas are there in Korea? Woah, daebak. I didn't think it was her when I checked the year book again!" Sungjae said after I told all of them about what happened.

We're at my place. They visited me even though I didn't really want to accept any guests these days.

"Can you give me the year book?" I asked, placing the canned beer on the center table of the living room.

"Yes." Sungjae handed it over to me. "I brought it because I knew you would ask."

"Woah, finally! You used your brain, rich kiddo." Ilhoon commented, smirking.

"Aish. But seriously? How did she become so gorgeous like that without any form of plastic surgery?" Sungjae asked dumbly.

Changsub hit his head. "It could be natural. Nothing's impossible with a determined person."

Sungjae pouted and decided to shut his mouth.

I opened the college year book and looked for her out of all the students there. It was so thick and I was impatient so I asked Sungjae what page.

"I knew you would ask me. Page 66." He said grinning.

I sighed and turned the pages there. The old Eunha was thereㅡthe girl I didn't know I've hurt so much. I must've been so horrible then and even now. I didn't even apologize to her after hearing my mistakes and made another mistake.

I touched her chubby cheeks. Now I clearly remember her and what happened back then.


I was home after a long while. I haven't seen my parents ever since they dropped me off to college.

I was so excited to see them, but I didn't expect what I saw that day.

My mother, as angry as ever, was having a fight with my father. I've never seen them fight before. I've always known they loved each other until I saw what my father is hiding behind him... a woman wrapped only in white blankets.

"You didn't respect me anymore and you decided to bed our housemaid?" My mom yelled before they noticed my presence.

They were both caught off guard. I couldn't believe what I saw. I turned my back on them and started the car.

This is what I get for going home? I feel so angry towards my father and his woman. I've always thought he was the best man... but maybe my mother thought that way, too.

It is Valentine's day. Day of love.
I threw the bouquet of flowers I bought for my mother and go to school even though it's late.

I didn't want to talk to anyone so I just walked with my friends, ignoring every girl approaching me.

But there's this girl I've known for a while. She's persistent to get my attention because she blocked my way twice.

She's Jang Eunha, the girl who always helped me with school activities and projects. She's nice and cute, but I didn't have time for anyone that day. All I know was I was so angry and I needed to vent it to someone.

So when she gave me that heart shaped chocolate, I broke it in two. "That's like your heart. Ya, fatty, do you really think I would like you?" I smirked, despite my awareness of my own cruelness. "I've never dated anyone with a waist line that's more than 28... and with disgusting braces." I said and threw the chocolates on the floor, leaving the people around me laughing, enjoying what they've witnessed.

• •

I actually wanted to apologize to her the day after, but she didn't come to the university again until we graduated and she did everything to avoid me, including leaving the graduation earlier.

I had no way to contact her since she got no friends, or at least, I didn't know any of them.

After knowing everything, why does my heart still hurt for her? I'm not even sure anymore if she really liked me.

"I didn't lie. It was you who didn't remember the girl you hurt the most."

"Guys, I'm leaving for a while." I said, getting up.

"Where are you going?" Hyunsik asked.


I drove to my family's home.

They were surprised by my sudden visit and quickly had a dinner prepared.

"So how's your girlfriend?" Dad asked smiling.

I didn't answer and just looked at the empty place where Eunha sat for dinner once.

"Did something happen, son?" My mother asked.

I forced a smile and shook my head. "No, nothing."

"Oh right, son, when do you plan to get into our company? You can't be an athlete forever!" My father said.

"Honey, it's not the right time." My mom protested.

"But he needs to take over the company anytime soon."

I cleared my throat. "I have an international match next week, after that, I will try to work for the company." I said, feeling too exhausted to argue.

Dad gave a satisfied smile. "Thank you, son. You won't regret it."

I decided to stay the night at home, but even the parts of the house have memories with Eunha now. I just can't get her off my mind.

I was about to close my eyes when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!"

My father came in and sat beside me. He patted my shoulder and asked, "You're having troubles, right?"

I nodded. "Dad... can I ask something?"


"How did you manage to change for the better after hurting mom?"

He looked at me for a while before replying, "I admitted and corrected my mistake to your mom and I'm such a lucky bastard to be forgiven for what I did back then."

"Do you think you deserve her?"

He chuckled. "Of course! All of us deserve love no matter how cruel we've been. Your mother is love. I was such a flaw on her. But still, although I am forgiven and living the right way, I couldn't forget the bruise I made on your mom's heart."

"So? How did you know she would accept you again?"

"Because she loved me more than she hated me." He answered.

Bittersweet Revenge: BTOB Minhyuk ✔Where stories live. Discover now